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Shaikh Zayn od-Din Shaheed Thani (Second Martyr)

Compiled by: Syed Ali Shahbaz
On 10th of the Islamic month of Zil-Qa'dah in 1030 AH, the famous jurisprudent, Shaikh Fakhr od-Din Mohammad ibn Shaikh Hassan ibn Shaikh Zayn od-Din Shaheed Thani (Second Martyr), passed away in holy Mecca and was laid to rest in the (now destroyed) Jannat al-Mu’alla Cemetery near the grave of Omm al-Momineen (Mother of all True Believers), Hazrat Khadija (SA), the loyal wife of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).
He lived most of his life in Mecca and was a prolific writer. Among his works mention could be made of commentaries on Shaikh at-Ta’efa Tusi’s “al-Istibsaar” and “at-Tahzeeb” – two of the four main books of hadith and jurisprudence.
This talented grandson of the Second Martyr was also an excellent poet in Arabic and has written a moving elegy on the Chief of Martyrs, Imam Husain (AS) – which Shaikh Hurr al-Ameli has included in his book “Amal al-Amel”.

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