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US and Zionist atrocities in the Islamic world

Compiled By: Syed Ali Shahbaz
On February 14, 1938 AD, illegal Zionists migrants from Europe, who formed the Palmach terrorist outfit in British-ruled Palestine, stormed the Palestinian village of Sa'sa, and for two days indulged in the massacre of men, women, and children, killing over 60 Muslims, as part of their ethnic cleansing campaign to create the illegitimate state of Israel.
On February 14, 2005 AD, former Lebanese Premier, Rafiq Hariri, was assassinated by Israeli agents in a bomb blast in Beirut. The US and its proxies in Lebanon by setting up a Kangaroo tribunal under the UN, have tried to put the blame on Syria, and then on the legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, but to no avail, since all documented evidence points in the direction of the Zionist entity.
On February 14, 2011 AD, as part of the Islamic Awakening, the people of Bahrain launched their peaceful uprising against the repressive Aal-e Khalifa minority regime, through a series of mass demonstrations in the capital Manama, calling it a “Day of Rage”. The people’s demand for democratic changes, including the end of discrimination against the Persian Gulf island state’s long-suppressed Shi’ite Muslim majority, was met with tear gas and bullets. The first martyr of the peaceful uprising was 21-year old Abdul-Hadi Saleh Ja’far Mushaima, who succumbed on his way to the hospital from injuries he received when hit in the back by birdshot pellets fired from close range by the regime’s forces. The Maidan Lu’lu or Pearl Square soon became the site of peaceful mass protests, which were savagely attacked by the regime, which soon invited Saudi forces to occupy the island and savagely desecrate mosques and Hussainiyahs.
On February 21, 1965 AD, US Afro Muslim activist, Malcolm X was assassinated by white supremacist terrorists, believed to be hirelings of the government, which was afraid of the Islamic movement he had formed. Malcolm X, who was only 40 years of age when martyred, had embraced the truth of Islam in his youth. He was active in the campaign for equal rights by the black people of the US. He believed that racial discrimination and other injustices of the morally-bankrupt and decadent liberal democratic system of the West would only end if the dynamic laws of Islam, based on social justice and ethical virtues, are promoted.
On February 22, 2006 AD, terrorists backed by the US shocked the civilized world and hurt Islamic sentiments worldwide by blasphemously blowing the magnificent golden dome of the holy shrine in Samarra, which houses the venerated tombs of the 10th and the 11th Infallible Imams of the Prophet's household - Imam Ali al-Hadi (AS) and Hasan al-Askari (AS). The plan was to ignite sectarian strikes in Iraq, but when this failed, the US backed terrorists carried out another sacrilegious bomb blast to blow the exquisite minarets of the shrine, a year and 5 months later. The sacred shrine is being rebuilt, thanks to the devotional efforts of Iraqi and Iranian Muslims.
On February 24, 1949 AD, a ceasefire came into effect between Egypt and the illegal Zionist entity following the signing of an agreement on Rhode Island. In May 1948, while withdrawing from Palestine, the British colonialists, who had illegally settled hundreds of thousands of European Jews in this Islamic land between the two world wars, created an artificial entity called Israel. The Zionists immediately lounged expansionism in different directions after expelling over 400,000 Palestinians. The Zionists attacked Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, occupying parts of the three countries. According to this treaty, Gaza was placed under Egyptian protection, but in later wars it was occupied by Israel.
On February 25, 1994 AD, American-Zionist solider of German Jewish parentage, Baruch Goldstein, opened fire on rows of Palestinian Muslims praying in congregation at the shrine of Prophet Abraham (AS) in the city of al-Khalil in the West Bank of River Jordan. As a result of this cowardly act of terrorism 29 people were martyred and scores of others wounded. This incident (of February 25) occurred in the blessed month of Ramadhan and let to the anger of the civilized world. As a result, the Arab compromisers had no other choice but to postpone their dubious negotiations with the illegal Zionist entity.
On February 28, 1991 AD, ceasefire was declared by the US against Iraq, thereby ending the 40-day war against the Ba'thist forces of Saddam for their occupation of Kuwait. In August 1990, following the US green signal, Saddam invaded and occupied Kuwait in a single day, claiming the tiny Persian Gulf emirate to be an integral part of Iraq, despite the billions of dollars of support provided by the Emir of Kuwait for his 8-year war against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
On March 2, 2004 AD, the holy cities of Karbala and Kazemain were rocked by several terrorist attacks, in which at least 170 people were martyred and 500 others injured. These attacks shocked the civilized world as they violated the sanctity of the Day of Ashura (10th of Moharram) – the martyrdom anniversary of the Prophet's grandson Imam Husain (AS) – when millions of devotees were attending mourning processions for the first time after the fall of Iraq's US-installed dictator, Saddam. The terrorists were never identified, but are believed to be the agents of the US and Saudi Arabia.
On March 3, 1992 AD, after a referendum, Muslim majority Bosnia-Herzegovina, gained independence from the rump state of Yugoslavia following the declaration of independence earlier by Slovenia and Croatia. Immediately, the local Serbs with the support of Serbia and the tacit backing of western regimes unleashed genocide and ethnic cleansing against native European Muslims, resulting in the massacre of over 250,000 Muslims and homelessness of a million-and-a-half others. When Bosnian Muslims fought back and were about to decisively defeat the Serb aggressors, the US interfered and imposed the Dayton Accord. Bosnia-Herzegovina has an area of 51,129 square km. On the north and west it shares borders with Croatia, on the east with Serbia, and on the south with the Republic of Montenegro. Muslims are the largest ethnic group making up over 50 percent of the total population.
On March 5, 1906 AD, US occupation forces in the Philippines, brutally massacred almost a thousand Muslims in the in the First Battle of Bud Dajo, leaving only six survivors.
On March 5, 1965 AD, the March Intifadha erupted in Bahrain against British colonial presence. It was a popular uprising by the long-suppressed majority of the Persian Gulf island state and called for overthrow of the Aal-e Khalifa minority regime, which still clings to power with US-British help, despite the massive uprising underway these days. Bahrain belonged to Iran and in the 1800s was seized by the Aal-e Khalifa, who were pirates operating in the Khor Abdullah waterway between southern Iraq and what is in now Kuwait, from where there driven out by the Ottoman Turks.
On March 6, 1964 AD, Afro-American boxing champion, Cassius Clay, embraced the truth of Islam and officially changed his name to Muhammad Ali. His spectacular winning of numerous world titles and his refusal, as a Muslim, to be drafted by the US regime in the Vietnam War made constant headlines.
On March 13, 1948 AD, the armed Zionists, affiliated to the terrorist outfit, Haganah, attacked the Palestinian village of “Husseiniyeh”, razing Muslim homes to the ground and massacrint sixty Palestinian villagers. On this day, the Zionists also blew up the homes of Palestinians in a district of Bayt al-Moqaddas, martyring and wounding a number of Palestinians. The carnage of Palestinian Muslims was a prelude to the illegitimate birth of Israel, following the withdrawal of British forces from Palestine, which took place two months after the massacre at Husseiniyeh Village.
On March 14, 1978 AD, the Zionist army invaded and occupied southern Lebanon, in what it called Operation Litani, on the pretext of stopping attacks by Palestinian combatants. The invasion, resulting in the massacre of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians, brought the region south of River Litani under complete control of the usurper state of Israel, which deprived the Lebanese of river waters. When UN Security Council Resolution 425 stationed 4,000 peace-keepers and forced the Zionists to withdraw, Israel formed a Christian militia under its Lebanese agent, S’ad Haddad in order to have presence by proxy. In 1982, the Zionists once again attacked and occupied southern Lebanon, resulting in the massacre of over 5,000 Palestinian men, women, and children in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. However, with the emergence of the legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, and its heroic resistance, Israel was forced to pull back from the outskirts of Beirut, and in 2000, it finally retreated from Lebanese soil, although some farmlands are still under occupation.
On March 15, 1989 AD, the Taba Heights in northeastern Egypt were liberated after years of occupation by the illegal Zionist entity called Israel that had seized the Sinai Peninsula in the 1967 war. After the scandalous Camp David Treaty in 1987, although the Zionist entity withdrew from parts of the Sinai Peninsula, it continued to occupy the Taba Heights, north of the Gulf of Aqaba, in the eastern part of Sinai Peninsula.
On March 20, 2003 AD, the US and Britain attacked Iraq under the pretext of finding weapons of mass destruction, which turned out to be a great lie, as no WMD was ever discovered. World opinion and the majority of countries considered the US-British invasion as illegal and in line with the illegitimate interests of controlling oil-rich Iraq. Over a million innocent Iraqis were killed over the past 8 years, and the only positive point was the ouster, trial and execution of the tyrannical dictator of the Ba’th minority regime, Saddam.
On March 21, 1968 AD, the Battle of Karameh in Jordan occurred between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the illegal Zionist entity, called Israel, which attacked a Palestinian camp. In this battle, at least 1230 Zionist troops were killed and dozens of their tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed or seized by the Palestinian guerrillas.
On March 22, 1945 AD, the Arab League was formed upon the proposal of the Egyptian king, Farouq, and endorsement by Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen in the Egyptian Capital, Cairo. The goal behind the foundation of Arab League was to maintain the territorial integrity and independence of member states and to establish close political, economic, and cultural relations between the members. The Arab League today has become an impotent body, serving the interests of the US by creating disunity and seditions among Arab states.
On March 22, 1946 AD, the British withdrew from Jordan, which they had created in 1921 by dividing up Syria and placing Abdullah, the son of their Meccan agent, Sharif Hussain, as king, in return for his treacherous role in World War I against the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Jordan, which is a US client state and subservient to the illegal Zionist entity, Israel, covers an area of more than 90,000 sq km. It shares borders with Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and occupied Palestine. Over 75 percent of its people are Palestinians.
On March 22, 2004 AD, the physically blind but courageous religious scholar and leader of the Palestine Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Sheikh Ahmad Yasin, was martyred by the Zionist entity, after morning prayers at a mosque in Gaza, along with ten other Palestinians. Born in 1938, he started his struggles against Israel at high school and was detained several times. In 1987, he founded HAMAS, and two years later was detained and sentenced to life in prison, until exchanged in 1997 with two Zionist spies.
On March 25, 1994 AD, US occupation troops that had entered Somalia in December 1992 on the pretext of ending unrest, were forced to leave following the fierce resistance of Somali Muslims, who killed several hundred of the American occupiers. The fall of western-supported dictator, Mohammad Ziad Bareh, in 1991 and the failure to reach an agreement for formation of a coalition government had sparked a civil war, providing pretext to the US to send its soldiers under cover of UN peacekeeping forces, in order to establish a foothold in the Horn of Africa.
On March 30, 1976 AD, the major demonstrations of Land Day started in the Zionist usurped land of Palestine. In response to Israel’s announcement of a plan to expropriate thousands of acres of Muslim land for so-called "security and settlement purposes", a general strike and marches were organized in Arab towns from the Galilee to the Naqab desert. In the ensuing confrontations, the Zionist army killed six Palestinians, injured over a hundred others, and arrested several hundreds. Every year on this day, the people of Palestine and other Muslim countries hold rallies denouncing the expansionist policies of the illegal Zionist entity.
On March 31, 1948 AD, with the intensification of terrorism by armed illegal Zionist migrants from Europe, a train bound from the Egyptian capital Cairo to the port city of Haifa in Palestine, was exploded, resulting in the death of 40 Palestinians and injury to 60 others. Carried out by the “Stern” Zionist terrorist outfit, it occurred four days after a similar passenger train blast by Zionist terrorists in British-occupied Palestine, resulting in the martyrdom of 24 persons and wounding of 61 others. The illegal Zionist migrants from Europe conducted a campaign of organized terrorism in public places, villages, buses, and trains in Palestine, as part of the plot for the illegitimate birth of Israel in May 1948, after forcibly evicting Palestinians from their homes and hearths.
On March 31, 1979 AD, The Arab League suspended the membership of Egypt and the majority of Muslim countries severed ties with Cairo for signing of the treasonous Camp David Accord by Egyptian president, Anwar Saadaat with the illegal Zionist entity called Israel. However, due to US threats and pressures, coupled with the dubious policies of some Arab regimes, including the Palestine Liberation Organization of Yasser Arafat, the stage was set for the return to Egypt to The Arab League in the late 1980s.
On April 2, 1991 AD, mercenaries of Saddam’s Ba’th minority regime violated the sanctity of the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, in a bid to crush the uprising of Iraq’s long-suppressed Shi’ite Muslim majority. The Ba’thists desecrated the shrine of the Prophet’s First Infallible Successor, Imam Ali (AS) in Najaf, and that of his two sons, Imam Husain (AS) and Hazrat Abbas (AS) in Karbala. The holy shrines were riddled with machinegun fire and people mercilessly slaughtered inside their sacred precincts. The Iraqi people had risen for their rights while Saddam’s occupation forces were fleeing from Kuwait during the attack launched by the US and the coalition army it had assembled. But the US forces suddenly stopped their offensive and gave Saddam the green signal to brutally massacre hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Shi’ite Muslims and to desecrate the holy shrines.
On April 3, 2002, the Zionist army brutally attacked the city of Jenin as part of the campaign to terrorize Palestinians in the West Bank in a bid to end the Second Intefadha. Nearly 200 tanks, dozens of choppers, and 10,000 troops participated in the aggression, pounding Jenin continuously. Despite the power cut, severance of water supplies, and obstruction of relief aid, the Palestinian people and combatants resisted for nine days. Israel brutally suppressed and massacred hundreds of men, women and children; demolished their homes and hearths, hospitals, and the infrastructure; to the extent that 70% of the city was flattened and 5,000 Palestinians were made homeless.
On April 17, 2004 AD, Palestinian activist and Leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, Dr. Abdul-Aziz Rantisi, was martyred when the car carrying him was targeted with missiles by Zionist choppers. Born in Palestine in 1947, he graduated in medicine from Egypt’s Alexandria University in 1967, and joined the struggle against the usurper state of Israel. He was imprisoned, tortured and exiled to “no man’s land” on the frontier of Occupied Palestine with southern Lebanon, where the contact of Rantisi and his group with members of the legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, positively changed their outlook, and infused new spirit into Hamas.
On April 18, 1996 AD, Zionist aircraft bombed headquarters of the UN Peacekeeping Forces in Qanaa, southern Lebanon, martyring at least 106 Lebanese women, children and elderly who had sought refuge. Hundreds of others were also injured in this dastardly attack. This slaughter of Lebanese refugees, of which 33 victims were minors, enraged world public opinion and forced the Zionists to stop bombardment. Meanwhile, the US blocked the passing of a resolution at the UN Security Council in condemnation of the mass murder. The UN General Assembly, however, issued its own resolution, condemning the crime and obliging the usurper state of Israel to pay compensation to the victims of the carnage. Although the Zionist entity has not pay any compensation for its heinous crimes in Lebanon, the condemnation of Israel at the UN General Assembly reflected the resentment of the international community toward the crimes of the illegal Zionists.
On April 8, 1970 AD, the Bahr al-Baqar massacre was carried out by aircraft of the illegal Zionist entity, which deliberately bombed an Egyptian school in the eastern province of Sharqiyya (80 km north of Cairo), resulting in the martyrdom of 46 children and injury to 50 others. Earlier, on February 12 the same year, Israeli warplanes had bombarded an Egyptian factory, martyring and wounding 168 workers. On March 31, 1970, Zionist warplanes pounded the city of Mansurah, martyring 12 civilians and wounding 35 others. The usurper state of Israel has a bleak and bloody record of crimes against humanity.
On April 9, 1948 AD, the Zionist terror group Irgun slaughtered residents of the Palestinian village of Dayr Yasin, west of Bayt al-Moqaddas. Some 270 men, women and children were massacred by these illegal migrants from Europe, as part of the plot to set up the illegal state of Israel.
On April 9, 2003 AD, with the advancement of the US army, Baghdad fell and Iraqis took to the streets to celebrate the end of the repressive Ba’th minority regime of Saddam. In the next 8 years, the US killed, either directly or indirectly, as many as 1.2 million Iraqi men, women, and children, before withdrawing in December 2011.
On April 9, 2011 AD, Bahraini journalist, Zakariya Rashid Hassan al-Ashiri, was tortured to death in prison by agents of the repressive Aal-e Khalifa minority regime, a week after his arrest. He was the first journalist in Bahrain to die in direct relation to his work since the Committee to Protect Journalists started keeping records in 1992. He regularly reported on human rights, business, culture, and politics. Photos later surfaced of al-Ashiri's corpse, which displayed cuts and gashes, and added further evidence that he was beaten to death.
On April 10, 1973 AD, operatives of the illegal Zionist entity’s spy agency, Mossad, assassinated three Palestinian officials in the Lebanese Capital, Beirut, namely Kamal Naser, Kamal Adwan, and Mohammad Yousef Najjar. In 1983, on the 10th anniversary of the martyrdom of these officials, Mossad agents martyred in Portugal Attam Sartawi, the political advisor of the Palestine Liberation Organization leader, Yaser Arafat. These crimes against humanity by the usurper state of Israel are proof of its terrorist nature and violation of territorial integrity and national sovereignty of other countries.
On April 13, 1975 AD, the cold-blooded killing of 26 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon by the Israeli-backed Phalangist Christian militia, set off the 15-year Lebanese Civil War in which Israel, France, and the US were all brutally involved and indulged in unprintable atrocities.
On April 15, 1986 AD, the US attacked the Libyan cities of Tripoli and Benghazi. The pretext for waging this attack was the US claims about involvement of Libya in an explosion in a restaurant in Germany, as the result of which three US soldiers were killed. During the US air raid on these two important Libyan cities, a number of innocent Libyan people were martyred and wounded. The US air strikes against Libyan civilian regions enraged Muslims and led to the international condemnation of Washington.
On April 16, 1948 AD, terrorist outfits set up by the illegal Zionists migrant to Palestine, martyred in cold blood 90 Palestinians and injured hundreds of others, while the British forces were evacuating this Muslim land by mischievously giving its control to the Zionists to set up the illegal entity called Israel. The result of these coordinated measures by the British and Zionists against Palestinians was the mass murder of a large number of Muslims and their homelessness that culminated in the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians from their homeland and the illegitimate birth of Israel on May 14, 1948.

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