The scandalous Sykes-Picot Accord to divide the Arab lands of the Ottoman Empire
Compiled By: Syed Ali Shahbaz
On May 9, 1916 AD, the scandalous Sykes-Picot Accord was signed by representatives of Britain, France, and Russia in Paris for dividing up the Arab lands of the Ottoman Empire and limiting the Turkish possessions to Anatolia or present day Turkey.
Even before the formal defeat of the Ottomans in 1917, lines were drawn on paper to share the spoils by the two principal European colonial powers. The British took control of Iraq and the Hijaz. Shaam or Greater Syria was split up into four parts, with the British taking Jordan and Palestine, and the French taking Syria and Lebanon.
The main goal of this plan was to set up in Palestine, an illegal entity called Israel as a homeland for European Jews.