Institute of Consultative Service, Youth and Social Research of Astan Quds Razavi
This institute has been found in 1998, presenting consultative service, educative & cultural activities for youth & social research & managing directorate from the community fund of Astan Quds Razavi.
This institute on its outlook of the next 20 years with Gods immortal power will be the " super ordinate Center for dissemination of religious culture for youth in Iran ".according to this outlook the institute will have blow characteristics: Consultative Services: the most active center for consultation service in Iran following Islamic approach.
Youth: impressive, continuous & widespread cooperation with all stratums of youth to acculturate Imam Reza and other household tradition & Sirreh.
Social research: possessed a reputable center for social research.
Targets included in constitution:
According to constitution the aims of founding of this institute are:
Investigation through youth problems and try to solve them.
Networking with youth age & supporting them.
Efforts on finding ways to face West cultural invasion.
Advance youth level of awareness about religion, society.
Investigative & cultural studious activities & taking opinion poll.
Area of Activities:
1-Consultative Services:
Having Consultative Services & construct Consultative centers for youngster, youth and families.
Organizing family training and life skills classes.
- Holding meetings about youth area of interests.
- amplifying organs & youth religious activities.
- forming educative camps.
- Construct proper time for youth leisure time.
- execute supporting plans to immunize youth from life difficulties & cultural invasion.
3- Social Research:
- investigate & Research on social matters and youth.
- taking opinion poll.
Addressees of these activities are youth and youngest between 14-29, also parents, counselors and cultural directors. Almost 100 thousands person directly and more than 500 thousands one indirectly benefit from services of this Center in year.
By investigation through other related organization and institutes and according to worksheet of planning congress in institute, blow is the prior plans of institute for next five year 1387-1391.
A: Consultative Services
1- Development on mental health of addressees with Islamic approach Consultation with Islamic approach -Applied studies on religion and mentality
- Presenting specialized consultative services( for Individuals or in group)
B: youth guideline
1 Give depth to faith belief and religious identity of addressees
Cultural Identity
Identity & youth
2 Extension of religious culture and establishing Imam Reza tradition of Sirreh values
Life Skills and Marriage
- Razavi Family
- national center of Marriage consultation
3 Extensive co-operation and association with cultural organs and constitutes according to cultural vocation of Astan-e quds Razavi
Cultural Administration Training Cultural Administrator
C: Social Research
1 Designing and leading cultural studies and researches on proportion with latest present condition needs and
Cultural Research on youth ,family and pilgrims
- Research on family and youth
- inspection of cultural activities
- constructing Research group for family, youth and pilgrims
The most important activities of institute in last decade: Institute of Consultative service, Youth & Social research proudly present its activities in different areas with brilliant results:
A: Consultative services
- More than 20,000 people directly or indirectly benefit from the Consultative service institute very year.
- Presenting consultative services in psychological clinic and child & Family clinic.
- Presenting Voice of counselor (Phone 148) in cooperation with Welfare organization of Khorasan.
- National Center of answering youth questions about Marriage (Voice-mail)
- Holding weekly Consultation workshops in Consultative services clinics.
- Presenting Consultative services to other organization (Oil ministry, Banks, Defense Ministry)
- Holding Group consultations in applicant clinics & cultural organs in town.
B: Youth:
1- Annual educational courses for Youth:
- Unofficial instruction of life skills for before, during and after marriage and child training.
- unofficial instruction of piety and religious identity for high school boys and girls.
- Public Instructions for summer holiday about faith, employment and marriage)
2- Arrangement of young helpers:
- Constitution of instructors' council and specialized board
- Identification and management of Khorasan Razavi organizations.
- Educating cultural administration for effective members and directors of organs and constitution of Mashhad and Iran.
- Educating ABC on guidance and Consultation with religious approach for instructors and clergymen
- Educating life Skills with emphasize on Islamic outlook for instructors and clergymen
- Educating Specialized trainings and Consultation techniques for counselors and psychologist.
3- Conferences, seminars and workshops
- Series of Students conferences on Islamic revolution ideals And Religious identity.
- Series of Students conferences on choosing a spouse in 8 University of Mashhad for a year.
- Pupil conferences and workshops on effective relations
- holding Seminar of Life Skills in Razavi Outlook
- Series of literary criticism conferences on religious literature and Islamic revolution literature.
4- Festivals and competitions:
- Festival of Razavi Book of the year with introduction of 12 selected literary work about Imam Reza.
- Executing festival of experimental periodicals (4 series)
- Executing festival of Cultural plans (3 series)
- Executing festival of top young and young helpers (2 series)
- promoting Ghadir football Championships for boys (9Seris) and Mehrabani football Championships for girls (2series)
-Executing Book competition of Institute publications
5- Mehr Youth Club:
- Executing Leading plans to have communication with youth and support them in friendship group and clubs like literature club, wisdom, family and society, creativity and inventing, cheerfulness, film and photo and …
- Executing plans: awakening (educational and cultural services), Motion (athletic and camping services), Hope (System of Presence and communion), Blossom (production and virtual club), Height (educative plans & elitism).
- Holding regular one-day recreational & educational camps in during week in year fore Mehr club members and institute addressees
- Supporting members of Mehr Club for publishing books, making animations, caroler groups and executing periodical fair of specialized clubs accomplishments.
C: Social researches:
1- Researching about youth problems and family like:
- Investigation through elements of increasing social and mental pressures on youngster & youth.
- Causes of girls running away form home.
- Evaluation of woman of 18-35 viewpoints about their own social rights
- General survey on youth Cultural needs
- Identifying semi-religious cultures of Mashhad youth
- For-analysis of research done about youth goals of absurdity).
- most well-known computer games between kids and youngsters.
2- Taking regular monthly opinion poll from cultural-educative activities of institute
3- Taking weekly opinion polls, research and for-analysis from Imam Reza holy Shrine Pilgrims in cooperation with Islamic advertisement and relations assistant and also General Relations Department of Astan-e quds Razavi.
Cultural Productions:
1- Family Book:
- Like Sky Color (Family essentials from Quran view)
- Under a Shelter (impedimenta of Family prosperity)
- A Basket of Heaven Taste (Family instructions from Imam Reza viewpoint) in three Languages: Persian English & Arabic.
- With Life Blossoms (points about child education)
- Half Adam half Eve, (Looking through different world of man & woman)
- Like Mirror rule (Marriage of Imam Ali and Fatemeh with marriage treaty)
2- Youth Book:
- Passing proposal Difficulties (essential knowledge and skills for marriage)
- Do as you can (self-confidence)
- Dew on flower tenderness (virtue and Hijab)
- Be my mirror (Friendship in Islam)
- Centralization in Study (skills on confronting annoying thoughts)
3- Instructor Book
- burner in hand (selection of ayatollah Vaez Tabasi`s cultural Guideline)
- Information about camping (ABC of Camping)
- Unfinished vocation (investigations through Cultural activities of Masques)
- How to have cultural planning?
- Life skills in Razavi Sireh
4- Young Pilgrimage Book
- The Angels are coming from sky (pilgrimage notes for Imam Reza) in three Languages: Persian English & Arabic.
- Seven days in Heaven (Complete Guide for 7 days residence in Mashhad) in three Languages: Persian English & Arabic.
- Remember Me (Short Stories about Imam Reza Life)
- A Burning lantern (Youth Stories about Imam Reza)
- Eighth Love (Supporting the publication of Imam Reza life, selection of Razavi Book Festival from Madreseh Press)
5- Digital Productions:
On consultation:
- Consultation Software typically for Users of Consultative services clinics)
On Youth:
- Khatoon Software typically for girls` anxieties before marriage
- Collaction of 6 CDs of training courses for before marriage.
On Family:
- Collection of 5 CDs on training courses for engagement period.
- Collection of 5 CDs on training courses for independence Period.
- Collection of 5 CDs on training courses for child training.
- Collection of 3 DVDs & Like Sky Color (Quranic Family)
- Photo Magazine Into Life Path (Three Speech about normal Family)
- Cd of From Awakening to Prosperity (to do and not to do on Religious training)
6- Javan, the analytical monthly magazine:
Publication of more than 30 issues of "Javan" monthly in 3 category of Culture & Religion, Family & Society and sending to all subscriptions in all over the country ( including publication of quarterly Special issues on Family, Islamic Marriage and.. matters.
7- Websites:
- Official website of Institute available at:
(Containing the Latest news about different plans of institute and….)
- Electronic Issue of Javan monthly abailable at
Hope all this activities leads to elevation of faith, morality and behavior and developing of intellectual-mental and behavioral health of Iranian Youth.
Contact Information:
Institute of Consultative Services, Youth and Social Research
Central Building:
90 Golestan St, East Golestan, Daneshgah St. Mashhad
Phone: 0511-8513682 & 0511-8513580
Public Relations Department Tel-Fax: 0511 8514900
Clinic of Consultation & psychological:
6 Montazeri Blv,
Phone: 0511-8419435
Clinic of Child & Family Consultation:
3/358 Between Gooya And Marjan St. (Metro Station), Malekaba`ad Blv.
Phone: 0511-6046302
Merh Youth Club:
Third Asaddollah St. Adabiat crossroad. No 120.
Phone: 0511-8436695-6