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The Holy Qur'an has presented facts to human beings, which remain perennially fresh

Compiled By: Syed Ali Shahbaz
Islam as the universal religion of mankind stands on the firm basis of God's Final Revealed Word to human societies, whose timeless wisdom and flawless eloquence no book or sets of books can ever match.
The holy Qur'an has presented facts to human beings, which remain perennially fresh despite the passage of over a millennium and four centuries. It has given tidings of the future exploration of the space as human beings strive to increase their knowledge and become aware of the mysteries of the universe, of course with God's permission.
In Ayah 53 of Surah Ha Mim, we read: “We will soon show them Our signs in the universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth.”
We talked about some western scholars who discovered the truth of the words of the holy Qur'an and admitted to its miracles that finally guided them to embrace Islam. Today we will continue our discourse and see how Canadian priest and professor of mathematics Dr. Gary Miller, who started the study of the holy Qur'an with the intention to expose any deficiency and faults in its contents, instead became highly impressed by its eternal wisdom, and converted to Islam. When one of his bosom friends questioned his wisdom in becoming a Muslim, Miller retorted by saying: Your reasoning seems to be like that of the Arab pagans of 14 centuries ago who tried to deny the manifest miracle of the holy Qur'an by calling it magic, sorcery and the work of devils. He then pointed in response to them what God says in ayahs 210 to 212 of Surah Shu'ara:
“It has not been brought down by the devils”
“Neither does it behoove them, nor are they capable (of doing that)”
“Indeed they are kept at bay (even) from hearing it”
We already said that the reports of the unseen and prophecies of future events are among the miracles of the holy Qur'an. In its unique style the Qur'an also gives precise information on the events of the past as they really happened, and not the myths and inaccuracies which the so-called historians have collected. In ayah 49 of Surah Houd, God says: “These are accounts of the Unseen which We reveal to you. Neither you nor your people used to know them before this”
Miller considers this way of the Qur'an unique and says: actually no divine book speaks in this manner. In the Qur'an, there is precise information of the events of the past that have a bearing upon our life, unlike the Bible which is vague and at times pure mythology that shows human tampering with its contents. The Qur'an calls on mankind to ponder over its contents since God the Almighty Creator is the Knower of all and everything, whether of the present, or the past and the future. In ayah 44 of Surah Aal-e Imran, God says: “These accounts are from the Unseen, which We reveal to you, and you were not with them when they were casting lots (to see) which of them would take charge of Mary’s care, nor were you with them when they were contending”
Some of the accounts mentioned in the holy Qur'an are related to events that were to occur in the future, whether immediately or centuries later. Among these are ayahs 7 and 8 of Surah Anfaal which say: “When Allah promised you (victory over) one of the two companies, (saying), it is for you, you were eager that it should be the one that was unarmed. But Allah desires to confirm the truth with His words and to root out the faithless”
“So that he may confirm the truth and bring falsehood to naught, though the guilty should be averse”
It is to be noted that this ayah was revealed prior to the Battle of Badr, the first armed encounter imposed by the Arab infidels of Mecca on Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) and the fledgling Muslim community, which admirably rose to defend the honour of Islam and humanitarian values. As is clear, the Muslims, despite being numerically less and poorly equipped when compared to the pagan Arabs, they overcame the enemies of Islam. Dr. Miller was impressed by the wonderful account in the holy Qur'an on the fate that befell the Prophet's evil uncle, Abu Lahab, who was such a bitter enemy of truth that he would tell the people of Mecca: If my nephew tells you this is white then it is certainly black and if he says it is night, then it is certainly day.
This absurd logic of Abu Lahab made the people realize the folly of his opposition to Islam, but soon brought about his doom. The Surah that mentions him, reads:
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful
Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, and perish he
Neither his wealth availed him, nor what he had earned
Soon he will enter the blazing fire
And his wife (too), the fire wood carrier
With a rope of palm fiber around her neck
On hearing this Surah, Abu Lahab mocked at the Prophet and pretended to be a Muslim on the assumption of deceiving the Prophet and saying how he can go to hell when he has become a Muslim. As is clear Abu Lahab never became Muslim and died in the state of disbelief.
Among the other miraculous nature of the holy Qur'an is to speak of the future and end of the world. In ayah 104 of Surah Anbiya, God reminds us of these facts, saying: “The day We shall roll up the sky like the rolling of the scrolls for writings. We will bring it back as We began the first creation- a promise (binding) on Us. (That) indeed we will do”
This is a clear pointer to the end times, which according to scientific researchers, will be devastating. Dr. Miller, in view of the authenticity of the holy Qur'an, advises mankind to ponder on its eternally wise contents, instead of blindly opposing this heavenly scripture. He adds: I want you to contemplate on ayahs 51 and 52 of Surah Ankabout, which read: “Does it not suffice them that We have sent down to you the Book which is recited to them? There is indeed a mercy and admonition in that for a people who have faith”
“Say, Allah suffices to as a witness between me and you: He knows whatever there is in the heavens and the earth. Those who put faith in falsehood and defy Allah- it is they who are the losers”

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