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The Holy Qur'an predicting certain events of the future

Compiled By: Syed Ali Shahbaz
One of the miraculous aspects of the holy Qur'an is announcing of the unseen and in some cases prediction of certain events of the future. One of these prophecies was the defeat of the Sassanid Empire by the Roman Empire, after initial success by the Iranians who in 615 AD had swept across what are now Syria, Turkey and Egypt.
At a time when Constantinople was under siege by the Iranians and people were expecting the end of the Roman Empire, God Almighty revealed to Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) that within a few years, the tide of the war will turn and result in the victory of the Romans over the Sassanid Empire. As history bears testimony, the events happened exactly as predicted in ayahs 2 to 4 of Surah Rum, which reads:
“The Romans are vanquished”
“in a nearby land, but following their defeat they will be victors
"in a few years. All command belongs to Allah, before and after, and on that day the faithful will rejoice
"at Allah’s help. He helps whomever He wishes, and He is the All-Mighty, the All-Merciful.”
Among the other proofs for the holy Quran’s prediction is the materialization of God’s promise in Surah Kausar of everlasting progeny for Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), after he had lost his two sons in infancy, making pagan Arabs rejoice at what they viewed as his apparent childlessness. The holy Qur'an foretold that those who are mocking the Prophet while priding upon their own progeny will soon end up without any posterity. The Surah reads:
“Surely We have given you Kausar”
“Therefore pray to your Lord and make a sacrifice”
“Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity”
Soon the Prophet and his faithful wife, Hazrat Khadija became the parents of a radiant daughter, Hazrat Fatema Zahra (peace upon her), through whose two immaculate sons, Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (peace upon them), the Prophet's progeny has multiplied and spread around the world, while those that had mocked him soon became issueless and there is no trace of their lineal descent.
We present you a modern day example of the holy Quran’s prediction of the unseen that changed the life of a Christian scientist of France, Dr. Maurice Buccaile, a surgeon by profession. There is an interesting story about one of his scientific researches which changed the direction of his life and guided him to the path of truth and righteousness. In 1981, the French government requested Egypt to send the mummified corpse of the Pharaoh of the days of Prophet Moses, for certain research. On arrival in France, the Pharaoh's mummy was transported to a research lab where different medical experts led by Dr. Maurice Bucaille started conducting their research, on what caused his death and how the body has remained intact over the past 3000 years.
After completion of research Dr. Bucaille called for a press conference, where he announced the results. He said: It seems the Pharaoh was suffocated and that his body was preserved so well because of small particles of sea salt that entered it through skin pores and which cannot be seen with the naked eye. One of his colleagues told him not to hurry with the announcement because the Muslims believe that their holy book, the Qur’an, declared one thousand four hundred years ago that God has preserved the Pharaoh's body as a sign for the future generations to learn lessons from his fate. Dr. Bucaille said that this seems impossible since the discovery of the causes of the corpse being intact, requires a complex process of modern tools and technology that were not available even a century ago.
Dr. Bucaille decided to study in depth the Torah and the Bible to see whether anything is mentioned in this regard. He didn’t find anything satisfactory because of the wide scale tampering of these books by human hands that have emptied their contents of whatever divine was there. He then decided to study the holy Qur'an – since he had heard that this according to the belief of Muslims their scripture is intact as it was revealed over a millennium and four centuries ago, and has been committed to memory. To his surprise he came across ayah 92 of Surah Younus which says about the Pharaoh of the days of Prophet Moses: “But We will this day deliver you with your body that you may be a sign to those after you, and most surely the majority of the people are heedless to Our communications.”
Dr. Bucaille shouted with joy, and soon after more research became a Muslim saying whatever Prophet Mohammad conveyed is the revelation of God Almighty for the guidance of mankind. He soon wrote his monumental book The Qur'an, the Bible and Modern Science, which has been translated into all major world languages.

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