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The pilgrimage of the grave of Imam Husayn (a.s.)

Source: Nafasul Mahmum by Ayatullah Shaykh Abbas Qummi

It is quoted in Biharul Anwar from the author of Mazare Kabir, who quotes with his chain of transmitters from A’amash, who says, that I took residence in Kufa and had a neighbor with whom I often sat. It was the night preceding Friday and I asked him, “What do you have to say regarding the pilgrimage of Husayn (a.s.)?” He said, “It is an innovation, while every innovation is misguidance, and every misguidance is destined for hell”.
Hearing this I arose from near him filled with rage, and told myself that, “In the morning I shall go to him and relate to him the traditions proving the excellence of the Commander of the Faithful Ali (a.s.), perhaps Allah might enlighten his eyes”. I went to him in the morning and knocked at his door. Someone answered from behind the door saying, “He has left for the pilgrimage in the beginning of the night”.
Immediately I followed him until I reached the Shrine of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and saw him prostrating, while he was not tiring due to excessive prostrations and genuflections. I asked, “Yesterday you told me that his pilgrimage is an innovation, and every innovation is misguidance, and every misguidance is destined for hell, while today you come for his pilgrimage?” He replied, “O Sulayman! Do not reprimand me. I was not a believer in the Imamate of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) until tonight when I saw a dream which left me horrified”.
I asked, “O Shaikh! What did you dreamt?” He replied, “I saw a man in a dream, who was neither too short nor too long, but was handsome while I am unable to describe his features. He was accompanied by men who had surrounded him and held him in their midst. While facing him was a man mounted upon a horse with a bushy tail and he had worn a crown with four pillars. All the four pillars were studded with gems that had illuminated the distance of the road equal to three days. I inquired as to who he was and was told that he was the Vicegerent of the Prophet (SAWA), Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.).
I lifted my eyes further and saw an illuminated Camel with a litter of light, flying between the heavens and the earth. I asked as to whose mount was that and was told that it was of Sayyidah Khadijah (a.s.), the daughter of Khuwaylid, and Sayyidah Fatemah (a.s.), the daughter of Muhammad (SAWA).
Then I asked as to who was the youth and was told that he was Hasan bin Ali (a.s.). I asked as to where were they going, and was told that all of them were going for the pilgrimage of the oppressed martyr Husayn bin Ali (a.s.), the martyr of Karbala. I went towards the litter, when I saw some notes falling down from the heavens, on which was written: The immunity of Allah, may His remembrance be sublime, is for the pilgrims of the grave of Husayn (a.s.) on the night preceding Friday. Then a caller announced to me saying: Beware! We as well as our Shi’ah are in the exalted stations of Paradise. By Allah O Sulayman! I shall not leave this place until my soul abandons my body.”

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