The heretical cult of Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis
Compiled By: Syed Ali Shahbaz
The heretical cult of Wahhabism, which was created by the British over two centuries ago in the Arabian Peninsula to divide Muslim ranks, and which is currently the root cause of all acts of terrorism in Muslim countries and the world.
Today, the country called Saudi Arabia, which is named after a tribal family and was created by the British in 1932, serves as the base of Wahhabism, and has led to the sprouting of such terrorist Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis outfits as al-Qa’eda, Taleban, Sepah-e Sahaba, Jubhat an-Nusra, Lashkar Jhangavi, and like minded groups that wantonly shed Muslim blood, and call themself Takfiri Salafis. A look, however, at the history of Islam shows that these Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis outfits are neither the followers of Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) nor do they adhere to the path of the righteous companions of the Holy Prophet (SAWA). In fact, these outfits, as is clear by their barbaric ways, follow the pagan pre-Islamic Arabs, who were notorious for their inhuman savagery, even though most of them became Muslims reluctantly, but never followed the letter and spirit of the holy Qur’an. Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) spared no efforts for guiding the people and forewarned of the dangers ahead with his God-given knowledge and insight. He stressed the unity of the Ummah, and on the commandment of God Almighty told his companions as well as Muslims for all generations to come, to adhere to the Saqalayn, that is, the Book of God, the holy Qur’an, and his progeny the Immaculate Ahl al-Bayt. He made it clear that the Muslims will never go astray as long as they hold fast to the Saqalayn. In this regard, God says in ayah 105 of Surah Aal-e Imran of the holy Qur’an: “Do not be like those who became divided [into sects] and differed after manifest signs had come to them”
God has decreed laws and regulations for mankind to enable them to strive towards perfection through unity and solidarity. The Creator has forbidden oppression and aggression. The Messenger of Mercy, who was sent to complete the best morals, said in a sermon during his last Hajj pilgrimage: Try to understand the teachings of Islam, and after me, do not treat each other like the infidels or behead each other. Sadly, the words of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) have been ignored as is evident by the treatment of all Muslims like infidels, by the Wahhabi cult that treats fellow Muslims like infidels, and mercilessly behead both Shi’ite Muslims and Sunnis.
The great Iranian scholar and Source of Emulation Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani has for years done extensive research on the nonsensical cultist ideas of the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis, writing books and articles to refute their claims. Recently, a prominent religious personality, in an article, raised some basic questions on the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis, their ideas, and their attitude towards Islam, but the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis failed to answer these questions concerning their weird believes. The first question and criticism of Ayatollah Sobhani is regarding their claim to follow the Sahaba or companions of the Holy Prophet, and the Tabe’een or the second generation of Muslims that had not seen the Holy Prophet but had seen the Sahaba and followed them, as well as the Tab-e Tabe’een or the third generation of Muslims that had neither seen the Holy Prophet nor the Sahaba, but had kept company with the Tabe’een. They attribute a statement to the Holy Prophet saying: The best people are those who belong to my times, followed by the people who come after them, and then those that come after this second group. The Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis wrongfully consider these three periods to which the Prophet allegedly referred is equal to three centuries.
Ayatollah Sobhani says: how can one consider the first century of Hijra as the most purely Islamic century, when the fact of the matter is that most of the innovations that cropped up after the passing away of the Holy Prophet could be traced to this very century? He also pointed out that deviant groups such as the Khwarej, the Murji’a, the Mu’tazila and other sects emerged late in the first century and early in the second century. The Holy Qur’an is the best reference in this regard. It is interesting to note that in the Holy Qur’an, the word “qarn” occurs seven times but it does mean a century or hundred years as alleged. In Arabic terminology, qarn also refers to a generation. Another criticism of Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis beliefs is that how can one consider the words and deeds of Sahaba, the Tabe’een and the Tab-e Tabe’een as the criterion for virtue and vice, while all these people had different behaviors and frequently contradicted the words and deeds of each other, in addition to their paradoxical statements.
For instance, during the signing of the Peace Treaty of Hudaibiyah, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) on the objection of the pagan Arabs of Mecca that the word “Prophet of God” should be removed agreed erase it, a wave of differences broke out among his Sahaba. A group of them termed the peace treaty as a sign of humiliation, thus tacitly admitting their lack of belief in the Prophet of God. Thus, in view of this glaring objection and almost behavior of apostasy by a group of Sahaba, how could we consider the ways and practices of the Sahaba and the Tabe’een as a criterion for understanding the holy Qur’an and Sunnah? History also bears testimony that the caliphate was founded on the base of divisions and discord among the Holy Prophet’s companions. So what answers do the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis have in this regard.
The third question which Ayatollah Sobhani posed was the attitude of the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis towards the Prophet’s Ahl ul-Bayt, in view of the fact that the Holy Prophet explicitly told Muslims in the famous Hadith Saqalayn that his progeny was on par with God’s Revealed Word, the holy Qur’an. So why shouldn’t the Ahl ul-Bayt, whose pristine purity is beyond an iota of doubt, as is evident by ayah 33 of Surah Ahzab, be followed by all Muslims?
Ayatollah Sobhani added: Why do the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis ignore all these statements of the Prophet about his daughter Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA), whose impeccability is beyond any doubt? Why do the Salafis not follow the Immaculate Ahl al-Bayt, whom Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) had likened to the Ark of Salvation of Prophet Noah?
Thus the most important criticism of Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis cultist ideas is that their beliefs are actually the ideas of Mohammad bin Abdul-Wahhab and Ibn Taimiyyah, rather than that of the Holy Prophet. They also attach more importance to the Sahaba rather to the Prophethood.
Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis are thus a cult far removed from the worthy teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). This distorted cult has brought nothing for Muslims except discord and violation.
Agenda of Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis
The heretical cult of Wahhabism, which was created by the British over two centuries ago in the Arabian Peninsula to divide Muslim ranks, and which is currently the root cause of all acts of terrorism in Muslim countries and the world.
According to a hadith, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) has said that it is the duty of ulema to confront “bid’ah” or innovation in matters of religion. After the passing away of the Holy Prophet his righteous companions rallied behind his divinely-designated successor, Imam Ali (AS), to confront attempts at innovation in religious matters that were against the spirit and letter of the holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah. The same trend continued in the subsequent generations, and whenever the self-styled caliphs resorted to distortion, the Infallible Imams and their disciples, held aloft the torch of genuine Islamic teachings.
In fact, in every age and era, the conscientious ulema have striven to confront any attempt at innovations, which unfortunately did creep in. In the 13th century Syrian scholar, Ibn Taimiyyah, was so confused in properly identifying these innovations that he himself indulged in an unpardonable “bid’ah” by considering the visit to the holy shrine of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) as innovation. Ibn Taimiyya was strongly criticized by his contemporary Sunni Ulama for coining a dangerous “bid’ah” by pretending to confront innovations. He gave rise to another dangerous “bid’ah” by not just coining the word “Salaf” to refer to the Prophet’s companions, the “Sahaba”, their followers in the next generation the “Tabe’een”, and the followers of their followers in the third generation, the “Tab-e Tabe’een”, but he considered them correct models for all Muslims, in spite of the fact that they included oppressors, deviationists, and enemies of the Holy Prophet’s family, the Ahl al-Bayt. Ibn Taimiyya was imprisoned for long periods on charges of heresy and many of his students left him for his weird innovations.
Some five centuries later, the British cleverly used Shaykh Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab of Najd in Arabia to propagate, with the support of the Aal-e Saud clan of desert brigands, the weird innovations of Ibn Taimiyya to launch a new deviated cult called Wahhabism, which today is sponsoring Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis terrorists all over the Muslim world. The false Wahhabi Takfiri Salafi ideology is opposed by both Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims. Iran’s prominent Islamic scholar and researcher, Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani has raised certain questions concerning the claim of the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis to be reformers or puritans. He asks them as to who are the pious Salaf when they cannot present any criteria to distinguish the pious from the impious, since among the first three generations of Muslims, that is, the “Sahaba”, the “Tabe’een” and “Tab-e Tabe’een”, there were many whose claim to be Muslim is under a big question mark.
Ayatollah Sobhani asks whether the Godless Omayyud rulers who shed the blood of the Holy Prophet\'s household and thousands of innocent people, could be considered pious Salaf? And what about the bloodthirsty Abbasid caliphs that followed, could also be considered models of emulation? The Wahhabi Takfiri Salafi cult leaders leave these important questions unanswered and do not permit their followers to conduct research and analyze irrefutable historical events.
Ayatollah Sobhani refers to another important point and says: If the Salafis regard the deeds and words of all “Sahaba” and “Tabe’een” as criteria and consider all of them pious Salaf, how could they justify or condemn the killing of the third caliph, Othman Ibn Affan by a group of “Sahaba” and “Tabe’een”?
The point to note is that Othman, who was a senior companion of the Holy Prophet, was reviled by other senior companions of the Prophet because of his rule, and was even called apostate by Ayesha, the daughter of the first caliph and one of the wives of the Holy Prophet. So why do the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis keep silent on all these irrefutable facts of Islamic history by blindly claiming that the first three generations of Muslims are the role model for all?
In answer to these questions, they simply tell their cult followers not to talk about the events of that time. In other words, they take their religion from the “Sahaba” and the “Tabe’een”, but keep silent about their evil behaviors and follow their false deeds. This comes as the holy Qur’an has explicitly called for thinking, pondering and contemplation in all matter, so as to learn lessons from the fate of predecessors and what transpired in history, in order to distinguish between right and wrong.
Islam is not a religion of rigid customs of the past, but at the same time, it does not permit innovations on the basis of “qiyas”, analogy or guesswork to which some of the jurisprudents of the past resorted, because of their inability to learn the genuine principles of Islam from the Prophet’s Ahl al-Bayt. Thus what makes Islam dynamic are the injunctions of the learned and pious mujtaheds, whose reasoning on the basis of the Word of God, that is the holy Qur’an, and the practice and behaviour of the Holy Prophet, prevents innovations and at the same time preserves the pure originality of the faith. The Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis do not believe in the traditional Sunni jurisprudence schools of Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafaee and Maliki and they insist on their false views of the alleged right conduct of the Salaf in all issues. This is in fact a pagan outlook, unrelated to Islam, but connected to the customs of the Arabs of Jahiliyya, which the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis follow and which has deprived them of reason and scientific progresses.
Ayatollah Sobhani asks the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis: How can one suffice to the opinion of Salaf while there are thousands of issues of the modern world that ought to be reasonably and satisfactory resolved on the basis of the Qur’an and the Hadith. It is noteworthy that the narrow-minded cultist scholars of the Wahhabi Takfiri Salafis have even considered the use of cell phone to be haram.