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Humility and Faith

Source: Ain-al-Hayat, By: Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi

An Infallible has said, “O Abu Dharr! Humility in a person prompts one not to forget that he would purify in the grave. He keeps the desires of his stomach and the head, his lust and carnal urge in control. One who is desirous of the benefits of the Hereafter should shun the world. If you can achieve this, you will qualify to attain the friendship and guardianship (wilaya) of Allah.”
Humility (haya’) connotes curbing of instincts that put the conscience to shame. There are two categories of humility: One category is the height of virtuosity that brings felicity. The other category is the height of depravity.
The quality of virtuosity is acquired when one is able to distinguish good from evil, he starts feeling ashamed of ever quitting good deeds and missing mandatory prayers. He submits humbly to Allah and abstains from sins that have been rated taboo by the Shariah. The acts of the adherents (Ummah) are all presented every day to the Prophet (S) and the Imams (as). Two angels are always alert to record the actions of the person. If Allah removes the curtain, all the inhabitants of the firmament would witness the acts of the human beings and put them to shame on the Day of Reckoning in front of 124,000 Prophets (S) and the entire creation.
The other category of humility is inferior. Because of ignorance a person considers an act taboo and refrains from it. This happens because of the lack of correct knowledge. For example, sometimes they are confronted with a problem and are shy to seek an explanation from the knowledgeable. Such humility can be the cause of losing the felicity or bliss in the Hereafter. Allah says: Allah is not shy of the truth (33:53)
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that humility is of two types--- there is humility of wisdom and also there is humility of foolishness. The cause of the humility of wisdom is sagacity and knowledge. The humility of foolishness is because of ignorance and lack of knowledge.
Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “One whose forehead is narrow, will have scanty knowledge. O people! Don’t be ashamed of acquiring knowledge!”
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said, “Shunning humility is the cause of all ills and sins. Humility is of two kinds. One is attended with weakness of intellect and lack of knowledge. The other type connotes the strength of Islam and the Faith”.
Prophet ‘Isa (as) says, “One who wishes the privacy of his home must put up a curtain. Allah has endowed humility to people as He has endowed them with the means of livelihood.”

Legitimate Livelihood
One should abstain from consuming things that are deemed illegitimate and even those things that have been rated makrooh (unbecoming) by the Shariah. One should not eat the makrooh foods and also avoid sharing the table of those who pursue haram professions. In today’s world acquiring halal livelihood is a difficult task. But Allah has made it binding on the people to seek legitimate livelihood.
Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “One who desires that his prayers are answered, he must strive for legitimate and fair livelihood!”

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