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Superiority of the Holy Qur’an

Source: Ain-al-Hayat, By: Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that if you have a matter that appears like the darkest of dark nights and you are unable to ravel the puzzle, then the Holy Qur’an, the brightest of lights, will help you dispel all the doubts you have pertaining to the matter. This will help one in strife, in solving irresoluble problems and is the beacon for showing the way to Jannat. It is the negligence of the Qur’an that might dispatch one to the Hellfire!
Qur’an is the best Guide and Leader. This is the Book that has in it all the commandments and details. It has two types of commandments—clear and hidden. Its clear aspect is full of Allah’s Commandments to humanity. The hidden aspect of the Qur’an is about unending store of knowledge.
The clear aspect of the Book is a harbinger of good for its followers and the hidden aspect is profound. There are some stars, big and small (Kawakib) for it’s interpretation. These stars are Infallible Imams (as) who put the wayward on the right path. These Infallible Imams (as) possess the knowledge about the Qur’an.
From them only the Knwledge can be acquired. They are the ones who disseminate the Knowledge about the Book. The Chapter of Bara-at is proclaiming in the Holy Qur’an that the chapter could be presented to the infidels of Mecca either by the Prophet (S) himself or his Nafs (the personal and rational mouthpiece).
Men have to perceive with the eyes of their hearts the path shown by these Infallible Imams (as) and follow them with true hearts. They have said that the Qur’an is a guide for the ignorant, helper for those who go astray, a light in the darkness, the best friend in this world and the Hereafter. The Qur’an contains the complete faith within its two covers.
Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “Allah, who has the knowledge of everything hidden, has sent this Book to you. This Book has knowledge about the things past and those to come.It has the information about the land and the firmament. Those who have total knowledge of the Qur’an (The Aalam) and the practitioners (perhaps here the Infallible Imams are meant) can reveal facts about the hidden matters (the Ghaib).”
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said, “I am departing from you midst and leaving behind two weighty things—One is the Book of Allah and the other is my Itrat (the progeny) and Ahl-ul-Bayt (the Infallible Imams). If you remain attached to these two, you shall never go astray!”
A note by Maulana Syed ‘Ali Akthar Amrohi: This was one and only prescription for the welfare of Islam and unity of the Muslims. If the Muslims honestly followed this tradition of the Holy Prophet (S), they wouldn’t have followed different teachers and the schism of 73 sects wouldn’t have come about!

The Superiority of Bearers of the Holy Qur’an
The Prophet of Allah (S) has said that when on the Day of Judgement people will be brought for accounting of their deeds, the Qur’an will be there in the form of a handsom and good looking person to bear witness. It will say, “O Allah! This Mu’min spent sleepless nights reciting me! At the time of the Tahajjud prayer in the night he used to have parched lips and wet eyes. O Allah! Forgive him his mistakes! ‘Allah will fill the person’s right hand with His Acceptance (Ar-Ridha’) and the left hand with His Blessings (Rehmat) and will enter the Heaven reciting the Qur’an.” Then the Prophet (S) added, “After the Superior prophets (Anbiah) and other prophets (as), the reciters of the Qur’an will have a high status in the Heaven. Don’t under-rate the people who recite the Qur’an! They have a great status in the eyes of Allah!”
In another tradition the Prophet (S) has said, “Allah addresses the Holy Qur’an thus,’ I swear by My Greatness! Whosoever respected you, I shall respect him! One who belittled you, I shall belittle him!’”
It is narrated from the Prophet (S) that he said, “Recite the Qur’an and memorise it! On the Day of Judgement the Holy Qur’an will approach those who recited it. It will be in the guise of a very good looking person. It will say, ‘I am the same Qur’an reciting which you spent sleepless nights. During the days you moved with parched lips because of loss of sleep in the nights! Because of excessive recitation the moisture in your mouth used to run dry. Tears used to run from your eyes because of the strain of reading! Therefore, wherever you go, I shall be with you! Whatever trading you wish to do, do it today! I am there with you to bring to you more profits than other traders can get! I bear witness that Allah’s Blessings are about to come your way!’”
Then a crown will be brought and placed over the head of the person and the letter of permission for freedom from Allah’s Retribution will be placed in the person’s right hand. In his left hand letter of permission for perpetual residence in the Heaven will be placed. Two Heavenly Raiments (Hillay) will be given to him to wear. He will be Ordered,’ Recite the Holy Qur’an, and for every verse recited, you will rise one step higher in the Heaven!’” If the parents of the reciter of the Qur’an were Mu’min, they too will be provided two Hillay each and will be told that this reward was in rturn for instructing their son in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
It is narrated from the Holy Prophet, (S) “The noble and big persons among my people (Ummat) are those who are the bearers (Hamilan) of the Qur’an and remain awake in the nights in prayer. The bearers of the Qur’an will be termed superior amongst the people of the Heaven.”
Allah will not give Retribution to the Heart that has memorised the Holy Qur’an. The bearers of the Qur’an will be in the second echelon in the Heaven after the Prophets (S). Therefore, don’t under-rate the reciter of the Holy Qur’an. They have a very high status in the consideration of Allah.

The Qualities of the Reciters of the Qur’an
The phrase Haamilan al-Qur’an (Bearers of the Qur’an) has several meanings: First, one should properly learn the words in the Qur’an.
Secondly: he should learn the correct meaning of the contents of the Book. Such a person will have a status higher than the first.
Thirdly: One should practice the Qur’anic precepts. Therefore, the true bearer of the Qur’an is one who understands the words, their meanings and practitioner of the Qur’anic Precepts.
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that the Holy Qur’an is the table laid with the Bounties of Allah.as there will be various types of victuals on the table of a generous person.
There are some people who draw benefit from the words of the Qur’an. There are other who benefit from the meanings of the Qur’an. The people who supply the ink for writing or printing the Book or those who supply the paper too derive benefit from the Holy work. In a nutshell, everyone associated with the publication, translation, commentary, and distribution of the Book gets his share of reward for the work.
To put it briefly, people of all fields such as scholars, jurists, mathematicians, poets, scholars etc derive benefit from the Qur’an’s unfathomable store of knowledge. Those who possess total control over the contents of the Qur’an are the Prophet and his Infallible Descendents (as). Therefore the very word ‘Qur’an’ is associated with them. Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has observed, “I am the Speaking Qur’an (Qur’an al-Natiq)”
All the knowledge contained in the Qur’an is in the possession of the Infallible Imams. It is said that a third of the Qur’an has come in the praise of the Infallible Masoomeen, another third of the Book as criticism of the enemies of the Ahl-ul-Bayt and the rest contains the commandments about the duties and precepts for the Believers. Whatever good qualities that are alluded to in the Qur’an pertains to the Ahl-ul-Bayt and whatever criticism is there is about their enemies. From where has the Qur’an in its present shape come? First it was with Allah (Ilm al-Wajib al Wajood), then it was transcribed to the Lauh (the Tablet), then it was revealed to the Propphet(S) directly or indirectly through the Angel Gibraeel. From the Prophet (S)’s heart it was transferred to the hearts of the Ausia (the Infallible Descendents) and then it was rendered to paper.
Therefore, the real Qur’an is one that is etched on the hearts of the Infallible Imams (as). When those who show disrespect to the Qur’an printed on paper are rated infidels, then those who showed disrespect to the Qur’an al-Naatiq will be the worst of infidels.
It is said about the Holy Prophet (S) that the Qur’an is his character and he is the character of the Qur’an. In fact the real Qur’an are those Infallible Personalities who have in them the words, the meanings and the character of the Qur’an. Now, for one to understand the opt repeated tradition quoted by Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) that the Qur’an would come on the Day of Judgement in the garb of a handsome person and intercede on behalf of those who recited or studied it. The Imam (as) also said that Salat (the Prayer) has a face and tells about Amr wa Nahi (dos and donts).
Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “Haj and circumambulation of the Kaaba is necessary because after these rituals the people should meet us to learn about the tenets of the Faith”
Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said: There are three categories of the reciters of the Holy Qur’an: 1. Those who recite the Book for worldly gains, name and fame. 2. Those who recite the Qur’an but don’t act on it’s precepts.(Allah will rid the world of these two types of people). 3.Those who consider the Qur’an as a cure for the ailments of their hearts. They remain awake in the nights and light the lamps of spirituality in the mosques and the homes. They derive benefit from the recitation of the Book themselves and for the Love of Allah (Qurbatan il Allah) pass the benefit to others. With the blessings of such persons Allah wards off calamities in store for people. But there are very few such dedicated reciters of the Book
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said: Derive ornamentation from the Qur’an for Allah and not to show to the people! One who completes the recitation of the Qur’an has acquired the messengership (Paighambari) between his flanks that has no element of revelation! The reciter of the Qur’an should abstain from the company of ignorant persons. He should stay away from carnal desires and worldly wants. He should be grateful to Allah that He has made him the reciter of the Qur’an who becomes eligible for the Riches of the Hereafter!

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