The Obligation of Shia towards Islamic Unity
Islamic Unity, in the Light of Speeches of the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Hazrat Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Compiled by Hujatul Islam wal Muslimeen Ali Khaliqpur
Hazrat Ayatullah Uzma, Sayyid Ali Khamenei while particularly addressing the Shia society advices about two things. One advice is that all the individuals of great Shia society need to make endeavour for a united Shia front and also it should be purified from any division and difference. The second thing is that they should look at it as a large family and always try to bring the unity among all Islamic groups into existence.
It is our obligation today that while performing well towards the motto of unity and acting upon it, which is a full-fledged programme and an ultimate accomplishment to make the Shia all over the world united and make them to consolidate their solidarity with Islamic Republic. When we are shouting the slogan of unity then why shouldn’t we think about bringing the unity among Shias into existence in the name of Shia unity?
However, this is to be taken in the broader perspective i.e. Shia Ithna Ashari, Isma'ili and Zaidi Shia, whosoever existing, all are to be included, who are possessing common grounds and wider political influence, but these people are scattered. However, there are some wicked elements among them too. As there are exclusively Shia Ithna Ashari in Islamic Republic, but among them there are some miscreants too. However, the Shia need to have their position of centralization at the global level.
The followers of the school of thought of Ahlulbayt (A.S) have to focus today on two most important things. First of all they have to keep liaison and develop cooperation and coordination with each other, shun away the confusions, resolve the problems and have sympathy and compassion with each other. Though they live in any corner of the world, they should know that the unity based on understanding and rightfulness delights the blessed heart of Guardian of the Time (May Allah hasten his appearance). The righteous people always disliked most the disunity and separation, enviousness and jealousy instead they always encouraged and supported the unity and coherence and always lead such gatherings. Therefore, it is obligatory on the part of their followers to act upon what they desired.
Secondly, the followers of the school of Ahlulbayt (A.S), in whatever region of the world they live, should be confident that surely they belong to the family of Muslims and mean it not only by words instead with its full existence, otherwise the enemies of Islam and Ahlulbayt (A.S) may be delighted and rejoiced. We in the name of Shia family should feel it with our full existence and declare that we believe in the unity of world of Islam and are firm with the unity and coherence of followers of “La Ilaha Illallah” and “Muhammad-un-Rasullallah”. We have to behave as pioneers and elements of unity in the world, exactly in the manner as our all noble Imams (A.S) were the factors of unity.
O’ my dear brothers, who follow the school of Ahlulbayt (A.S)! In whatever region of the world you live, never forget about these words. Firstly, be aware about your state of affairs. Besides attending one another, exchange your thoughts and keep on your relations. Secondly, while maintaining the unity and harmony and shearing sympathy with other Muslim sects, never leave any room for any unlawful advantage for the enemies. Never allow your enemies to let weaken your brethren.
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‘Do not fall into disputes, for then you will be weakened in heart and your power will depart’ 8: 46.
Treat all the people of the world of Islam as your brothers. The whole world of Islam is facing threat from the enemies of Islam and the clouds of dangers are hovering over religion because of global imperialistic powers.
Disarray - A Plot by the Enemies of Islam
One of the issues that are given importance and have been reiterated in the statements of Hazrat Ayatullah Uzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei is the need to have a close vigil over the movements and activities of the enemy and also not to be negligent about his designs and plots. The Muslims need to identify their real enemy and show their sensitivity over his behaviour. His Excellency has time and again reiterated that our enemies are arrogant and imperialistic regimes, who in fact are opponents of Islam and those who despite having their ideological differences are still considered as friends and associates. However, the enemies barely tolerate this affinity; therefore, they are making continuous efforts in order to create discord and division among Muslims. Besides being vigilant, the Islamic Ummah need to be careful about the activities of the enemy based on creating division and simultaneously resist against it.
Enemy’s Material and Moral Investment for Creating Division
It is unfortunate that the subject of unity and harmony for bestowing direction to the world of Islam and the subject æóÇÚúÊóöãõæÇ ÈöÍóÈúáö ÇááøٰÀö ÌóãöیúÚÇð ‘Holdfast to the Rope of God all together’ 3:103 as the Holy Quran has commanded us, is not what it ought to be and all this is mischief of the enemy. The Islamic powers are devoted to unity, but the enemy particularly America wants to make disruptions in this way. It tries to make division and disorder through different ways and make material and moral investment to this effect and some part of which is concerned to the past, for example, strengthening of extremist nationalists before the revolution can be mentioned.
In Iran these people were supporting extreme pan-Iranian nationalism, in Arabian countries they supported extreme pan-Arabian nationalism and accordingly in Turkey they promoted extreme pan-Turkish nationalism. Accordingly, within the country or anywhere else wherever the people belonging to any minority lived, they encouraged the extremist pan-nationalism for this community. This type of attempts used to be made in the past too. After the success of Islamic revolution in Iran more efforts were made to get it further strengthened, because they understood it well that the unity generating sun of Islam is brightly shining over world of Islam.
But they never remained contend with these efforts only, instead forced their agents to spread disunity and division. By this way they snatched the unity producing resource from the hands of Muslim Ummah. One among such slogans was the anti-Zionist slogan, which was a unity creating factor in Islamic Ummah. Before this, the Muslim nations used to shear their sympathy and understanding with each other against any transgression and crime against any Islamic country by the Zionists. But the enemies of Islam snatched and annihilated this unity creative and Islamic awakening slogan. Furthermore, it created an atmosphere of misunderstanding between Islamic nations and governments and such activities are going on even today. In the present scenario all those countries, particularly United States of America and the intelligence organizations of the Zionists in this region, while utilizing political tactics and propaganda machinery and besides being active in creating misunderstandings amongst the regimes, are continuously keeping liaison with their allies through diplomatic means. In this way they want to take various advantages. One of them is to make an end to the unity of the Islamic world. One more advantage they want to take is selling of arms. One more advantage for them is their military presence and creating an atmosphere of competition in restoration of ties with usurper Zionist regime. The Imperialism tries to cash all these advantages. This situation is very harmful for the world of Islam. However, to this effect the issue of the nations is not more difficult. The problem is for the governments. The Islamic governments should focus their attention towards the common and general problems, towards what a layman can pay his attention i.e., every wise man utilizes all those resources and means for his benefit that are at his disposal. Islam is the precious resource in the hands of Muslim countries. They need to take full advantage of this precious resource up to the required limit. I agree that they don’t abide by it more, but Islam can be instrumental in awakening Islamic Ummah and because of it, can make its existence and participation in the myriad issues of one billion and some hundred million Muslims of the world of Islam.
Of course, hadn’t world of Islam provided support to the Muslims of Bosnia, there would have been no traces of the Muslims of Bosnia and they would had been wiped out from the world. Although all the Muslim countries didn’t provide them their full support, still whatever was, it worked. Most of the Islamic countries paid their attention towards this issue and awakened the feeling of its importance. Accordingly all such issues can be practically resolved in the whole Islamic world. The countries have well realization about helping each other and the power of high spirits of Islamic Ummah; therefore they can take full advantage of this magnificent and considerable treasure and why shouldn’t they do so? This is a cursory estimation and inference, which they don’t take serious. If they will not do so, the outcome would be in the interests of the enemies of Islam.
The unity of Islamic world and attention towards unity creative subject is in the interests of the whole Islamic world. It is too more beneficial for others. The noble Quran says: æóÇÚúÊóöãõæÇ ÈöÍóÈúáö ÇááøٰÀö ÌóãöیúÚÇð “Holdfast the Rope of Allah altogether”3:103 means O’ Muslims! Holdfast the Rope of Allah and remain in clicked to it, so that there is liaison between him and God. It seems that it is an individual contact. But Allah says ÌóãöیúÚÇð “Jami'an”. It means all of you have to make joint efforts and have to holdfast the rope of God altogether. This is the level of magnificence and significance of the cooperation and coordination between Islamic Ummah in the eyes of Islam!
The unity of a nation can easily do wonders by resolving the most gigantic problems, as the unity of our nation got it done and it will work in future too. It is the characteristics that our gracious leader (Imam Khomeini) always used to emphasize. He always used to call the people towards unity and harmony. At that time the unity was the solution for all the problems and it is true to the present also
Inflicting Heavy Blow upon Magnificent Islamic Movement – Objective of the Enemy
The mission and assignment of the enemy is to hamper the magnificent Islamic movements by way of creating division and confusion. While observing the situation of the world it is felt that the great Islamic movement is gaining momentum day by day and God willing the future would be in the interests of values and Islamic morals. The Muslims of the world have awakened and their awareness is in progress. The oppressive and despotic powers whether like it or not and if American may like it or not, it is such a fact, which is going on. Therefore, the need is to be vigilant and cautious to face the apprehensions of any threat at this stage.
The accustomed despotic and oppressive and anti-Islamic bullying powers had made the Muslims destitute and downtrodden for the centuries and today when the awareness and grace and dignity of the Muslims is proceeding towards its restoration, it is certain that the enemies must have laid ambush and it needs to be cautious. I am referring towards one such dangers and that is the danger based on difference and division between Muslims, tribes, Islamic sects and Muslim nations. You may see all over the world if there is any place where attempts are not being made to create difference and division by the hands of deceivers? Is there any place where the imperialistic evil minded conspirators and plotters have not exploited the simple and weak people for their own interests?
Our prime and major objective is to create unity among different Islamic tribes, groups and sects. You need to identify and confront the people who serve as agents of the enemy and have been assigned the job to make harm to the splendid movement of Islam by way of creating division. If the Muslims would be cautious and vigilant and deem Islam as a source of grace and honour and strengthen their might by the authority of Islam, then of course this movement would achieve its objective and target.
Enemy Beating the Drum of Division and Difference
Unity is the first and foremost need of Islamic Ummah today. Maintain unity, be unanimous while you speak, be united. This is obligation on the part of those who have a say and are effective and influential among Muslim nations. Whether they are officials or intellectuals, ulama or various political and social activists, whoever lives, in whatever Islamic country, is having an obligation for bringing awakening. They are obliged to bring forth such facts. There is a need for illustration and elaboration about the terrible situation that has been brought forth by the enemies of Islam. They should prepare them to perform their duties and this is an obligation for all of us.
My dear brothers and sisters! Wherever you are, to whatever religion you belong, you should know that the enemies of Islam and Muslims mostly rely upon spreading of division and difference. They never allow the people to come close to each other.
Today the voice of difference and division from the enemies of Islam is echoed high. The British and American agents are inciting the issue of Shia Sunni today. It is unfortunate for us. Whatever contents are presented by the British, American and western analysts are presenting, they go through it and certify it. They want to maintain their enmity after isolating Shia Sunni matters from Islam. The enemy wants this to happen and this has happened all along. The enemy has always tried to make more and more gains by the religious, national, geographical and regional differences. They are using the latest means and techniques for this job today. We should be cautious about all this. We need to be attentive. They want to keep us involved in all such activities so that we are not in a position to concentrate upon what we need to focus and may divert our mind towards other side. They want to make the Muslim nations, Muslim societies and Shia Sunni Muslims opposite to each other, in order to consign the issue of Palestine to the oblivion. The issue of usurping of Palestine was bringing us closer to each other. These people are doing all this for keeping us away from this target. They want to create division in the world of Islam by this very issue of Palestine. They are pursuing the governments to confront each other. The issue of Palestine is an open and crystal clear matter. No Islamic country has any doubt in the fact that whenever there is an aggression and invasion upon any Muslim country, its defense is obligatory upon all Muslims. All Muslim schools of thought are unanimous about it and there is no provision of any difference in it. Now they are trying to create uncertainty and confusion even about this unanimous issue too. They want to divide the Muslims in small groups and factions. They are inciting religious and tribal fanatics in the hearts of the people, so that they are left to get their job done easily.
We need to be cautious. Today the Islamic states are established under a major unification. They can touch the pinnacles of success with mutual cooperation and coordination by way of exchange of knowledge and science, business, shear their experience and knowhow. But they have allowed the cancerous tumor (Usurper regime of Zionists) to remain in-between and have created the means for keeping distance with each other. Albeit the nations have no enmity between them, instead the heads of the states are responsible for all this.