The Islamic Revolution of Iran and Islamic Unity
Islamic Unity, in the Light of Speeches of the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Hazrat Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Compiled by Hujatul Islam wal Muslimeen Ali Khaliqpur
Since the inception of Islamic movement under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (R.A), one of the fundamental objectives of this movement has been restoration of unity between Muslims of the whole world and annihilation of oppressors and forces of aggression from the destiny of Muslims and this message has now become an inseparable and indispensable part of revolutionary messages and that Islamic revolution of Iran is the supporter of all such Muslim associations that endeavors for Islam.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is having total faith in Islamic Unity
The way that the enemies of Iranian nation have adopted for harming this nation is to create split and division among different groups of Muslim nations. Although this strategy is even being continued in the Islamic world and Muslim Ummah. They have even made attempts since the very inception of Islamic revolution to frighten our Muslim neighboring countries particularly the neighboring Persian Gulf States from Islamic Republic and Islamic revolution and unfortunately they succeeded in it. Although the Islamic Republic had provided hand of cooperation and brotherliness towards all Muslim nations and Muslim governments and until now it is abiding by it. Islamic Republic is having full faith in Islamic unity from the core of its heart. The Islamic unity means cooperation and coordination of nations and countries. Thank God, the nations are with us. The national, ethnic, regional and religious differences cannot divide nations, unless the enemy provokes them. However, it is unfortunate that the regimes can be deviated by the political stratagems.
Iranian Revolution is Islamic Revolution
Although these people (the enemies) under planning have tried to show that it is Shia revolution, while as in reality it is absolutely revolution of Islam, revolution of Quran and the revolution for the supremacy of Islamic standard and its pride lies in the fact that it has been presenting Islamic values, monotheism, divine laws and Islamic moralities and values to the people of the world and it has succeeded in it too. These people are having enmity with it and are opposing it. Otherwise, if our revolution would have been confined only to be a Shia revolution, we would have remained cutoff from the world of Islam and we would have been in no touch with the world of Islam. They (enemies) also would had no concern with us and wouldn’t had any enmity with the revolution. But they observed that it is absolutely an Islamic revolution and since this revolution is Islamic, therefore, it least matters for it whether Palestinians are Shia or Sunni, but it only defends them and also it defends the great movement of Lebanon.
In any corner or part of the world if any gathering of Muslims is working for Islam or launching any movement, this revolution is defending it. These people get aggrieved by it as this revolution is Islamic and therefore they are angry. Otherwise, if we would had closed our borders and would had said that we have no relations with Sunnis, they had nothing to do with us. Neither America nor Israel or Britain would have any problem with us. But they are against Islamic Republic because Islamic Republic is for Islam. By the time the Islamic Republic was established, the issue of spreading of differences between Shia and Sunni on the part of Imperialists got accelerated and their activities to this effect have got increased too.
Islamic Revolution – The Standard-bearer of Unity
You should know that the imperialism has made considerable investment for the decades or more to create differences between Muslims. For this purpose books and journals have been published and distributed throughout the world. The sentiments got incited and hatred and malice was created in the hearts of Muslims against one another. Albeit, in the past too these kinds of enmities were existing but it has adopted a new depiction during the period imperialism. If one is familiar with the political history of Islamic world hundred or hundred fifty years back, he could focus towards what I mean to refer.
Islamic revolution came into existence and when Muslims of any country witnessed that the flag we hoisted and loved is that of Islam and the noble Prophet (S.A.W). The designs of the enemies thus got foiled. Imperialism never sits idle. The blood thirsty enemies of Islam and Muslims are never going to sit in comfort. When they saw that the revolution and Islamic Republic has maintained unity between Shia and Sunni within and outside the country and have brought them close to each other and turned the prejudice vague, they started to make the atmosphere venomous from the outside.
Declaring Islamic Revolution of Iran Exclusively a Shia Movement – An Imperialistic Plot
The Islamic Movement of Iran roused a wave in Islamic Ummah and provided the means and sources of unity and coordination of Muslims for providing Islamic values. Therefore, the enemies have tried to confine the Islamic Revolution of Iran within a particular region and sphere, branding it as Shia Movement to weaken the waves of Islamic awakening. Also by this way they would be in a position to divide the nations in order to create an obstacle in the way of joint ventures of Islamic world for achieving divinely objective.
One most important recent issue, to create sectarian based differences among Muslims, is not a new issue. The differences and conflicts and sometimes the conflicts and clashes based on jurisprudential and doctorial and sectarian backgrounds is being found from the periods of advent of Islam. However, the new development to this effect is that after the success of Islamic revolution of Iran and its wide range repercussions upon the whole Islamic world, in order to stop this multidimensional and wide wave, it has been the plot on the part of imperialism to introduce the Islamic revolution not on the basis of classification but absolutely to brand it as a version of Shia movement. Also on the other side it may further widen the circle of their attempts based on hypocrisy and division. Keeping in view this very satanic conspiracy while emphasizing upon unity among different sects of Muslims we have tried to check this very sedition since beginning. Here we need to thank God for we have considerably succeeded to this effect. However, since the enemy, besides being equipped with abundance of wealth, media and machinery and other impurities is in search of the people in different regions of the world whom they easily subjugate by temptations, deceptions and over persuasions. Therefore sometimes they make some politician in any nation or any so-called scholar or revolutionary to speak ill against Shia or against nation of Iran, which has created the greatest revolution of the present age and wonderfully safeguarded it too.
We hold America and its agents responsible for all these actions. We believe that Islamic community and true scholars of Islam are in no way involved in these things. However, all such problems need to be resolved by the carefulness of Muslims and no room is left for the enemies of Islam for any misappropriation.
The enemies are always craving for conflicts and clashes among various sects of Islam. Particularly, the enemy has tried its utmost to create separation between Islamic revolution of Iran, Muslim and other nations after the success of Islamic revolution. They expect from God that in the Islamic world let the people say that ‘these people are Shia and their revolution is only a Shi’ite revolution and the Sunnis have nothing to do with it’. Since the beginning of revolution the Iranian nation has said, yes! We Shia-Sunni are the followers of holy Prophet (S.A.W). But this revolution is an Islamic revolution based on Quran and Monotheism and pure Islam and unity and brotherhood among all Muslims.
Our nation had already stated it in the early days of revolution and our Imam [r] too had proclaimed it.