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Dua Jawshan al-Kabir

Jawshan means 'chain armour'; in some hadith it is mentioned that it is a protection for a person: from safety on leaving home, from sickness, or on death. It is in a hundred sections, each of which contains ten of the names of Allah.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Allah,
O Most Merciful,
O Most Compassionate,
O Most Generous,
O Self-Subsisting,
O Greatest,
O Eternal,
O All-Knowing,
O Forbearing,
O Wise.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Master of Masters,
O Acceptor of prayers,
O Elevator of rank,
O Guardian of good deeds,
O Forgiver of evil deeds,
O Granter of requests,
O Acceptor of repentance,
O Hearer of voices,
O Knower of attributes,
O Repeller of calamities.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Best of forgivers,
O Best of deciders,
O Best of helpers,
O Best of rulers,
O Best of providers,
O Best of inheritors,
O Best of praisers,
O Best of rememberers,
O Best of Dischargers,
O Best of benefactors.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He, to Whom is all glory and virtue,
O He, to Whom is all might and perfection,
O He, to Whom is all dominion and sublimity,
O He, Who is great above all,
O He, Who creates heavy clouds,
O He, Who is the most powerful,
O He, Who metes out the severest punishment,
O He, Who is quick to reckon,
O He, with Whom is the excellent reward,
O He, with Whom is the Original Book.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Charitable One,
O Benefactor,
O Judge,
O Proof,
O Sovereign,
O Approver,
O Forgiver,
O Elevated One,
O Helper,
O Holder of blessings and manifestation.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He before Whose greatness everything bows,
O He before Whose power everything submits,
O He before Whose might overshadows everything,
O He before Whose awesomeness everything is humbled,
O He before Whose fearsomeness everything yields,
O He before Whose terribleness mountains shake,
O He before Whose command the heavens are raised,
O He through Whose permission the earths are secured,
O He Whose glory the thunder proclaims,
O He Who is never cruel to his subjects.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Forgiver of sins,
O Dispeller of tribulations,
O Aim of hopes,
O Giver of abundant gifts,
O Bestower of bounties,
O Provider of creatures,
O Judge of destinies,
O Hearer of complaints,
O Resurrector of creatures,
O Freer of captives.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He, to Whom is due all praise and adoration,
O He, Who holds all pride and eminence,
O He, Who holds all honour and rank,
O He, Who makes promises and honours them,
O He, Who pardons and is content,
O He, Who holds all abundance and provides,
O He, Who is glorious and eternal,
O He, Who is liberal and munificent,
O He, Who holds all blessings and bounties,
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Preventer of misfortune,
O Repeller of calamities,
O Elevator of rank,
O Fashioner,
O Benefiter,
O Hearer,
O Aggregator,
O Intercessor,
O Magnanimous,
O Increaser.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Fashioner of every fashioned thing, O Creator of every
created thing, O Provider for every needy thing, O
Sovereign over all subjects, O Dispeller of every
hardship, O Comforter of every griever, O Merciful
to every sufferer, O Helper of everything forsaken, O
Concealer of every blemished thing, O Shelter for
every exile.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Provider in my hardship, O Source of Hope in my
misfortune, O Companion in my isolation, O Fellow
Traveller in my journey, O Friend in my ease, O Rescuer
from my trials, O Guide in my errancy, O Resource in
my neediness, O Shelter in my helplessness,
O Deliverer from my fears.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Knower of the unseen, O Forgiver of sins, O Concealer of
defects, O Expeller of pain, O Transformer of the heart,
O Physician of the heart, O Illuminator of the heart,
O Intimate of the heart, O Dispeller of anxiety,
O Liberator from grief.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Glorious, O Virtuous, O Protector, O Patron, O Guide,
O Guarantor, O Bestower of Wealth, O Bestower of
blessings, O Bestower of strength, O Acceptor of
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Guide of the waylaid, O Rescuer of those who appeal, O
Helper of those who call, O Aider of those who call, O
Shelter of the fearful, O Succourer of the faithful, O
Merciful to the indigent, O Refuge for the disobedient,
O Forgiver of the sinner, O Responder to the supplicant.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Master of liberality and beneficence, O Most gracious and
obliging, O Master of peace and security, O Most holy
and above all defects, O Master of wisdom and
manifestation, O Master of mercy and satisfaction,
O Master of argument and proof, O Master of gradeur
and sovereignty, O Master of kindness and succour,
O Master of pardon and forgiveness.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He, Who is the Lord over all things,
O He, Who is the God of all things,
O He, Who is the Creator of all things,
O He, Who is the Fashioner of all things,
O He, Who is the Preceder of all things,
O He, Who is the Succeeder of all things,
O He, Who is above all things,
O He, Who knows all things,
O He, Who is Powerful over all things,
O He, Who is the Sustainer and Extinguisher of all things,
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Securer of safety, O Protector, O Bestower of being, O
Bestower of knowledge, O Manifestor, O Facilitator, O
Provider of place, O Adorner, O Proclaimer, O
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord

O Everylasting in His Kingdom,
O Eternal in His sovereignty,
O Greatest in His grandeur,
O Most Merciful to His servants,
O Knower of everything,
O Forbearing to he who disobeys Him,
O Magnanimous to he places his hope in Him,
O He Who is Wise over what He has fashioned,
O He Who is Subtle in his Wisdom,
O He Who is Eternal in His Kindness.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He, from Whom no hope is entertained save by His Grace,
O He, from Whom nothing is begged save His Pardon,
O He, of Whom nothing is seen save His Goodness,
O He, from Whom nothing is feared save His Justice,
O He, Whose sovereignty alone of eternal,
O He, Who alone has true majesty,
O He, Whose blessings extend to all,
O He, Whose Wrath is surpassed by His Mercy,
O He, Whose knowledge encompasses everything,
O He, Who is without equal,
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee.
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Remover of anxiety, O Expeller of sorrow, O Forgiver of
sins, O Acceptor of repentance, O Creator of creatures,
O Truthful in promises, O Fulfiller of promises,
O Knower of secrets, O Splitter of seed, O Provider
for creatures.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O High, O Perfect, O Independent, O Rich, O Kind, O
Agreeable, O Purifier, O Eternal, O Mighty, O Friend.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He, Who reveals virtue,
O He, Who conceals vice,
O He, Who does not call to severe account for sins,
O He, Who does not disclose the disgrace of his servants,
O He, Who is the best forgiver,
O He, Who overlooks errancy,
O He, Whose forgiveness extends over all,
O He, Whose Hands are stretched forth in mercy,
O He, Who knows all secrets,
O He, to Whom all complaints are directed.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Master of countless blessings, O Master of limitless
mercy, O Master surpassing all obligation, O Master of
perfect wisdom, O Master of infinite might, O Master of
the decisive argument, O Master of the manifest
miracle, O Master of perpetual prestige, O Master of
great strength, O Master of unsurpassable glory.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Originator of the heavens, O Maker of darkness, O
Merciful to those who weep, O He Who oversees slips and
errors, O Concealer of defects, O Reviver of the dead, O
Revealer of signs, O Increaser of virtue, O He Who calls to
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Fashioner, O Preordainer, O Planner, O Purifer, O
Illuminator, O Facilitator, O Giver of glad tidings, O
Warner, O Giver of precedence, O Postponer.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Lord of the Sanctuary, O Lord of the holy month, O Lord
of the Holy City, O Lord of the rukun and the maqam,
O Lord of the masha'ir of Mecca, O Lord of the Holy
Mosque in Mecca, O Lord of what is lawful and
what is proscribed, O Lord of light and darkness,
O Lord of salutation and peace, O Lord of
strength among creatures.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Highest of all authorities, O Most Just of all the just, O
Most Trustworthy of all the trustworthy, O Purest of
the pure, O Best of creators, O quickest Reckoner,
O Best of listeners, O Most vigilant of invigilators,
O Best of intercessors, O Most honourable of all.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Supporter of the unsupported, O Helper of the helpless,
O Protector of the unprotected, O Shield for the
defenceless, O Hearer of the unheard appeal, O Pride
of those without pride, O Honour of the honour-
ess, O Giver of Aid to the unaided, O Friend of the
forsaken, O Shelter of the shelterless.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Protector, O Persistent, O Eternal, O Merciful, O
Accorder of peace, O Omniscient, O Distributor, O
Preventor, O Opener.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Protector of he who seeks His protection,
O Merciful to he who requests His mercy,
O Forgiver of the implore His forgiveness,
O Helper of he who asks for His help,
O Protector of he who seeks His protection,
O Magnanimous to he who seeks His magnanimity,
O Guide for he who seeks His guidance,
O Giver of Aid to he who seeks His aid,
O Rescuer of he who appeals to Him,
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Powerful Who is never overpowered,
O Benign Who is invisible,
O Self-Subsistent Who never sleeps,
O Eternal Who never perishes,
O Everliving Who never dies,
O Monarch Whose rule is endless,
O Eternal Who is imperishable,
O Omniscient Who never forgets,
O Independent Who needs no sustenance,
O Mighty Who never weakens.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Unique, O One, O Present, O Praiser, O Exalted, O
Guide, O Resurrector, O Heir, O Harmful to the unjust,
O Benificial to the just.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Grandest of all the grand,
O Most magnanimous of all the magnanimous,
O Most merciful of all the merciful,
O Most knowledgeable of all knowers,
O Most Wise of all the wise,
O Most ancient of all the ancient,
O Most great of all the great,
O Most benign of all the benign,
O Most magnificent of all the magnificent,
O Most mighty of all the mighty.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Most magnanimous in overlooking sins, O Greatest
benefactor, O Most bounteous in goodness, O Eternal in
grace, O Creator of subtlety, O Remover of pain, O
Healer of injury, O Master of dominion, O True Judge.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He Who fulfils His promise,
O He Who is great in His might,
O He Who is near everyone in spite of His greatness,
O He Who is benign in His weariness,
O He Who is noble in His benignity,
O He Who is powerful in His nobility,
O He Who is great in His power,
O He Who is exalted in His greatness,
O He Who is praiseworthy in his exaltation.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:
O Sufficient, O Restorer of health, O Faithful, O Forgiver,
O Guide, O Summoner, O Judge, O Agreeable,
O High, O Eternal.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He before Whom everything bows,
O He before Whom everything is humbled,
O He for Whom everything exists,
O He to Whom everything owes its existence,
O He to Whom everything returns,
O He of Whom everything is afraid, O one to Whom
everything owes its stability,
O He towards Whom everything retreats,
O He Whom everything glorifies with praise,
O He besides Whom everything is perishable.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He-there is no retreat but towards Him,
O He-there is no place of protection except with Him,
O He-there is no right path except that which leads to
O He-there is no shelter against Him but with Him,
O He-there is no inclination towards anyone except Him,
O He-there is no strength and vigour but from Him,
O He-none is invoked for help but He.
O He-trust is not reposed in anyone but He,
O He-hope is not entertained from anyone except from
O He-none is worshipped except He.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Best of those who are feared,
O Best of those who are liked,
O Best of those who are sought,
O Best of those who are entreated,
O Best of those who are longed for,
O Best of those who are remembered,
O Best of those to whom thanks are offered,
O Best of those who are loved,
O Best of those who are called on,
O Best of those who are held in affection.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy name:
O Forgiver, O Concealer [of defects], O Mighty, O
Supreme, O Creator, O Shatterer, O Joiner,
O Rememberer, O Seeing, O Helper.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He Who created and perfected,
O He Who made [everything] to measure and guided,
O He Who removes misfortunes,
O He Who overhears secrets,
O He Who rescues the drowning,
O He Who saves the distressed,
O He Who restores the sick to health,
O He who makes [His slaves] laugh and weep,
O He Who causes to dies and calls to life,
O He Who has created pairs of male and female.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He Whose course is on land and in water,
O He Whose signs are in the universe,
O He in Whose signs are undeniable proofs,
O He Whose might is exhibited in causing death,
O He Whose graves provide [people] with His lesson,
O He Whose kingdom will be on the Day of Judgement,
O He in Whose reckoning (of deeds) is His dread,
O He in Whose balance is His order,
O He Whose paradise is the place of His good reward,
O He Whose hell is the place of chastisement.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He-the frightened flee to Him,
O He-sinners take shelter with Him,
O He-the repentant return to Him,
O He-the pious incline towards Him,
O He-the confounded seek shelter in Him,
O He-the desirous have affection for Him,
O He-lovers are proud of Him,
O He-transgressors have agreed for His forgiveness,
O He-those who are sure in faith receive consolation
from Him,
O He-those who trust Him rely on Him.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy name:
O Friend, O Physician, O Near, O Supervisor, O Reckoner
to account, O Awful, O Rewarder, O Acceptor,
O Aware, O All-Seeing.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Nearest of all, O Friendliest of all the friends, O Possessor
of greater insight than all others, O Most Aware of all, O
Noblest of all the nobles, O Most Exalted of all the
exalted, O Mightiest of all mighty, O Most Independent
of all, O Most Generous of all, O I(Kindest of all those
who are kind.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord

O Dominant who is not overpowered, O Designer who is
not made, O Creator who is not created, O Master and not
the slave, O All-Dominant who is not dominated, O Exalter
and the Exalted, O Protector who needs no protection, O
Helper who needs no help, O Witness who is not absent, O
Near who is not distant.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Light of lights, O Illuminator of light, O Creator of light,
O Planner of light, O Estimator of light, O Light of all
lights, O Light that precedes in existence every light, O
Light that will survive all lights, O Light that is above
every light, O Light like of which there is no light.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He Whose gift is noble,
O He Whose action is subtle,
O He Whose kindness is persistent,
O He Whose beneficence is eternal,
O He Whose word is right,
O He Whose promise is true,
O He Whose forgiveness is a grace,
O He Whose chastisement is justice,
O He Whose remembrance is sweet,
O He Whose grace is universal.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy name:
O Facilitator, O Separator, O Alterer, O Humiliator of the
proud, O Degrader, O Benefactor, O Munificent,
O Giver of respite, O Virtuous.
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O He Who sees but is not seen,
O He Who creates and is not created,
O He Who guides and is not guided,
O He Who receives to life and is not brought to life,
O He Who questions and is not questioned,
O He Who feeds and does not eat,
O He Who gives protection and is in no need of protection,
O He Who judges and against Whom no judgement is passed,
O He Who commands but is not commanded,
O He Who begets not, nor is He begotten, and there is none like unto
Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee,
The Granter of all Succour,
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

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