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What is Islam?

By: Dr. Shaikh Reza Shariati
The Holy Qur’an briefly stipulates the truth: “ The Religion before Allah is Islam.”

أن الدين عند الله الإسلام
( آل عمران - 19)
“ If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost”
و من يبتغ غيرا لإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه و هو في الآخرة من الخاسرين
( آل عمران - 85)
Arabic word “Islam” literally means “Surrender” or “Submission”. As the way of life , it is understood to mean: “pure surrender or joyful submission but to Allah’s Wills and Plans. Islam originating from the divine Revelation, is the most perfect system of the true beliefs , right affections and exact practices. It is the best way of life based on the servant’s ultimate relation to the Creation and the Lord and faith in a divinely ruled order of this world and the Hereafter, agreement with which is the means of salvation for the God’s family (mankind) and thus for each individual who has a role in it. All Nature adores Allah , and Islam asks for nothing peculiar or sectarian; it but asks that we follow our nature and make our will conformable to Allah’s Will as seen in Nature, History and Revelation.
So set thou thy face truly to the religion being upright, the nature in which Allah has made mankind: No change (there is) in the work (wrought) by Allah: That is the true Religion: But most among mankind know not.”
فأقم وجهك للدين حنيفا فطرت الله التي فطر الناس عليها لا تبديل لخلق الله ذلك الدين القيم و لكن اكثر الناس لا يعلمون
(الروم- 30)
As turned out from the creative hand of Allah, man is innocent , pure, true, free, inclined to right and virtue, and endued with true understanding about his own position in the Universe and about Allah’s goodness, wisdom, and power. That is his true nature, just as the nature of a lamb is to be gentle and of a horse is to be swift. But man is caught in the meshes of custom, superstitions, selfish desires, false teaching and mass media. This is what may make him pugnacious , unclean, false, slavish, hankering after what is wrong or forbidden, and deflected from the love of his fellow-men and the pure worship of the One True God. The problem before the prophets is to cure this crookedness, and to restore human nature to what it should be under the Will of Allah.
Islam includes the whole life, thoughts and desires of man. The “standard Religion” or the Straight Way is thus contrasted with the various human systems that conflict with each other and call themselves separate “ religions ” or “sects”. Allah standard Religion is one, as Allah is One. The Almighty clearly says:” Verily , this is My Way leading straight; follow it; follow not other Path. Thus doth He command you, that ye may be righteous.
و أن هذا صرا طي مستقيما فاتبعوه و لا تتبعوا السبل فتفرق بكم عن سبيله ذلكم وصيكم به لعلكم تتقون
( الأنعام- 153)
Allah the Beneficent says: ”The same religion has He establish for you as that which He enjoined on Noah- The which We have sent by inspiration to thee - and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses , and Jesus: namely, that ye should remain steadfast in Religion, and make no divisions therein.“ Allah’s Religion is the same in essence, whether given, for example, to Noah , Abraham , Moses , or Jesus or to our Holy Prophet. The source of unity is the revelation from Allah. In Islam it is “established” as an institution, and does not remain merely a vague suggestion.
شرع لكم ما وصي به نوحا والذي أوحينا إليك و ما وصينا به إبراهيم و موسى و عيسي أن أقيموا الدين و لا تتفرقوا فيه كبر علي المشركين ما تدعوهم إليه الله يجتبي إليه من يشاء و يهدي من إليه ينيب
( الشورى - 13 )
Therefore although in a historical sense , Islam has been regarded as dating from the time of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammed (SA), in a religious sense , it is identical with true monotheism which prophets before him , such as Adam, Noah (Nuh) , Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Musa) and Jesus(Isa), had taught. Meanwhile, some previous followers of these had corrupted their teachings. Allah in his mercy sent Mohammed to call mankind yet again to the Truth. Therefore, Islam has been more than just a religion in the today’s narrow sense. It is as old as humanity and a simple way of life which can be followed easily by everyone , everywhere in a day to day life.
The Almighty says: “And We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims.”
و نزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شيء و هدي و رحمة وبشري للمسلمين
(النحل - 89)
“Nothing have We omitted from the Book”
ما فرطنا في الكتاب من شيء
(الأنعام 38)
Islam is complete and comprehensive. Allah has perfected His Religion for all mankind with the revelation of the Holy Qur’an. He says: “ This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”
اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم و أتممت عليكم نعمتي و رضيت لكم الإسلام دينا
(المائدة - 3)
"Verily this Qur’an doth guide to that which is most right”
إن هذا القرآن يهدي للتي هي أقوم
(الإسراء - 9)
Islam contains a complete code which provides for all areas of life , whether spiritual , intellectual , political, social or economic. It is a code which has no boundaries of time , place or nation. Islam not only has a highly developed theology and ritual life but also a system of law of divine origin and supervision which covers every aspect of a human life even political and social relations , taxation , marriage and divorce , matters of beauty , diet and dress , landholding , migration as well as areas of criminal and penal law.
Main beliefs:
Islam enjoins one to believe that the Universe as an immense systematic organization has been created and governed by Allah. The Holy Qur'an says: ”Our Lord is He Who gave to each (created) thing its form ; then gave (it) Guidance.”
ربنا الذي أعطى كل شيء خلقه ثم هدي
(طه - 50)
We are proud to serve “our Lord”. He is the universal Lord and Cherisher, the One and Only God, who has created all beings and all things. It is from Him that each created thing derived its form and nature , including such free-will and power as man has got. Allah possesses all attributes of perfection. He does not do any thing against wisdom and any injustice to any one. Any evil and tyrant action or operation in the human societies can not be justified under the Holy Name of Allah. The Holy Qur'an states: “He is Allah , the Creator , the Originator, the Fashioner, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names”
هو الله الخالق البارئ المصور له الأسماء الحسني
(الحشر - 24)
From the first day of Creation till the last day , all creatures are fostered by Allah. They are all led toward a known and determined goal with their own nature. Man is born with free will and wisdom. Therefore , the divine universal guidance will not be certainly compulsory for him. He should follow deliberately his path to the final perfection through his optional steps. His prosperity depends upon his true beliefs , praiseworthy ethics and good deeds. Man perceives his good and bad through his wisdom , but that very often loses its keenness and makes error. Man’s wisdom alone cannot lead him to realism and benevolence. All these indecent characteristics and unjust behaviors are committed by those whose wisdom is overcome by their desires. Therefore , The divine guidance should be positively achieved through a different medium which is entirely inviolable to sin and error. This medium is the prophetood.
“We sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance ( of Right and Wrong) , that men may stand forth in justice ; and We sent down Iron , in which is great might , as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help , unseen , Him and His Messengers: For Allah is Full of strength , Exalted in Might.”
لقد أرسلنا رسلنا بالبينات و أنزلنا معهم الكتاب و الميزان ليقوم الناس بالقسط و أنزلنا الحديد فيه باس شديد و منافع للناس و ليعلم الله من ينصره
و رسله بالغيب إن الله قوي عزيز
(الحديد - 25)
The Book, the Balance , and Iron stand as emblems of three things which hold society together, Revelation, which commands Good and forbids Evil; Justice, which gives to each person his due; and the strong arm of the Law, which maintains sanctions for evil-doers.
History indicates that there were prophets among people who responded to the call of Allah. Every community had a messenger. The Almighty states:” And every people had a Messenger.,,
ولكل أمة رسول فإذا جاء رسولهم قضي بينهم بالقسط و هم لايظلمون
(يونس - 47)
Thus prophetic mission and call continued until Allah sent the Prophet Muhammed (SA)to mankind. Allah says:” But thou art truly a warner, and to every people a guide and We have not sent thee but as a Messenger to all mankind “
إنما أنت منذر و لكل قوم هاد
(الرعد - 7)
وما أرسلناك إلا كافة للناس
(سبا - 28)
He was the last in a series of prophets sent by God and that there can be no other after him. The Holy Qur'an states:” Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) The Messenger of Allah, And the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.“
ماكان محمد أبا أحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله و خاتم النبيين
(الأحزاب - 40)
His book , The Holy Qur'an is the collection of the revelations which God made to him. It contains the Words of God and is often referred to as the Speech of Allah. Consequently, Islam will remain valid and everlasting until the day of judgment. The Almighty says:” Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him“ and “ We have, without doubt, sent down the Message and We will assuredly guard it( from corruption).
ما ينطق عن الهوى إن هو إلا وحي يوحي
( النجم -4)
انا نحن نزلنا الذكر و انا له لحافظون
(الحجر - 9)
Meanwhile , Allah ,The Most High , appointed twelve distinguished personalities , one after the other as the rightful successors of the Holy Prophet of Islam(SA). They are the descendants of both the Prophet and Ali Ibn Abi Talib. Allah says:” “
“O ye who believe! Obey Allah , and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you (Imams = divinely ordained leaders). If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger , If ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best , and most suitable for final determination.”
يا أيها الذين أمنوا أطيعوا الله و أطيعوا الرسول و أولي الأمر منكم فان تنازعتم في شيء فردوه إلى الله والرسول إن كنتم تؤمنون بالله واليوم الأخر ذلك خير و احسن تأويلا
(النساء - - 59)
The Imams are the divinely ordained leaders of the world who succeed to the office by virtue of their being designated on God’s instructions. Commenting on the word “ أولى الأمر “ in the verse, the Prophet (SA) told Jaber Ibn Abdellah :” O Jaber they are my successors and the leaders of the Muslim Community after me. The first one is Ali Ibn Abi Talib , thereafter Al-Hassan , then Al-Hussein , next Ali Ibn Hussein , next Muhammad Ibn Ali - introduced in The Bible as Baqer, O Jaber you will meet him , please give him my salaam (best regards) - next Sadeq Ja’far Ibn Muhammad , then Musa Ibn Ja’far , next Ali Ibn Musa , next Muhammad Ibn Ali , next Ali Ibn Muhammad , next Al-Hassan Ibn Ali , then whose name and title will be mines. He will be the Proof of Allah in the earth and the remaining Evidence among His servants , the son of Al-Hassan Ibn Ali… “
( إثبات الهداة ج 3 ص 123 ينابيع المودة ص 494 غاية المرام -ج 10 ص 267)
They possess some attributes such as infallibility and divinely endowed knowledge and moral excellence. Allah says:” Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye Members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.”
إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنهم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا
(الأحزاب - 33)
Their presence in the world is crucial for its continued existence. “If the earth was only a moment empty of Hojjat (Imam), it would swallow its residents.”
لوخلت الأرض طرفة عين من حجة لساخت بأهلها ( بحارالانوار ج23 ص 29)
The Mahdi is the last Imam. He will appear to inaugurate a long period in which the world will be filled with justice and righteousness. The Prophet of Islam (S.A.S) says:
المهدي الذي يملاها قسطا و عدلا كما ملئت جورا و ظلما (فرائد السمطين ( ج2 ص 312)
Imam Al-Sadeq Ja’far Ibn Muhammad (AS) says:”
إذا قام القائم عليه السلام حكم بالعدل و ارتفع في أيامه الجور و أمنت السبل و أخرجت الأرض بركاتها و رد كل حق إلى أهله و لم يبق أهل دين حتى يظهروا الإسلام و يعترفوا بالإيمان (كشف الغمة - ج3 ص 255)
Our life is not interrupted by the death of the body. The Almighty says:
“ Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up.”
و من ورائهم برزخ إلى يوم يبعثون
(المؤمنون - 100)
We are all approaching to the grave , a new phase of our eternal path , wherein every one will be questioned about his or her deeds and the person will be treated in accordance with the quality of his beliefs , affections and deeds. People’s condition in the grave would be some thing like one’s condition during one’s sleep in which one would either have sweet and pleasant dreams or bad and terrifying ones. Then the people are brought back to life from their graves , together at one place wherein the Court of Justice and Balance will be established . Every one’s records of deeds will be made public. The witness will show up , good people will be saved and admitted into Paradise , evil deeds will face huge troubles , going to Hell to suffer all the miseries therein forever.
“ It is He Who brings out the living from the dead, and bring out the dead from the living, and Who gives life to the earth after it is dead and thus shall ye be brought out
( from the dead).”
يخرج الحي من الميت و يخرج الميت من الحي و يحي الأرض بعد موتها و كذلك تخرجون
( الروم - 19)
From dead matter Allah’s creative act produces life and living matter , and even science has not yet been able to explain the mystery of life. Life and living matter again seem to reach maturity and again die, as we see every day. No material thing seems to have perpetual life. But again we see the creative process of Allah constantly at work , and the cycle of life and death seems to go on. The earth itself , seemingly so inert, produces vegetable life at once from a single shower of rain , and in various ways sustains animal life. Normally it seems to die in the winter in northern climates, and in a drought everywhere , and the spring revives it in all its glory. Metaphorically many movements, institutions, organizations, seem to die and then to live again, all under the wonderful dispensation of Allah. So will our personality be revived when we die on this earth , in order to reap the fruit of this our probationary life.
“ Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like thereof ? Yea, indeed ! For He is the Creator Supreme, of skill and knowledge(infinite)!
أو ليس الذي خلق السموات و الأرض بقادر علي أن يخلق مثلهم بلي و هو الخلاق العليم
(يس - 81)
Which is more difficult to create , - man , or the heavens and the earth , with all creatures? Allah created the heavens and the earth, with all creatures, and He can create worlds and worlds like these in infinity. To him it is small matter to raise you up
the Hereafter.
In addition to the physical world , God has also created angels and spirits. The angels have various roles , among them the conveyance of God’s revelation to the prophets. The spirits are usually known as Jinni. They inhabit this world and may affect human beings in various ways. Some are good and capable of obtaining salvation , others are evil and sometimes known as satans. The chief Satan , The Devil , known as Satan or Iblis, is a disobedient jinni.
Say : it has been revealed to me that a company of Jinns listened (to the Qur’an).They said : “We have really heard a wonderful Recital ! It gives guidance to the Right , and we have believed therein: We shall not join (in worship)any (gods) with our Lord.”
قل أوحى إلى انه استمع نفر من الجن فقالوا انا سمعنا قرانا عجبا * يهدي إلى الرشد فآمنا به و لن نشرك بربنا أحدا
( الجن - 2-1 )
Both the Qur’an and the Hadith describe the Jinn as a definite species of living beings. They are created out of fire and like man , may believe or disbelieve , accept or reject guidance. The authoritative Islamic texts show that they are not merely a hidden force, or spirit. They are personalized beings who enjoy a certain amount of free will and thus will be called to account. The Almighty Allah says: “ I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.”
وما خلقت الجن و الانس الا ليعبدون
(الذاريات - 56)
Main Affections:
The affections of the Muslim are subject to the Love for the Lord and organized by some Islamic guidelines. The Almighty says: “Thou wiglt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day , loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, Even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers or their kindred. For such he has written Faith in their hearts , and strengthened them with a spirit form Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow , to dwell therein (for ever). Allah will be well pleased with them , and they with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Truly it is the Party of Allah that will achieve Success.”
لا تجد قوما يؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر يوادون من حادالله ورسوله ولو كانوا آبائهم أو أبنائهم أو إخوانهم أو عشيرتهم أولئك كتب في قلوبهم
الإيمان و أيدهم بروح منه و يدخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها رضي الله عنهم و رضوا عنه أولئك حزب الله ألا إن حزب الله هم المفلحون
((المجادلة - 22)
If any one believes in Allah and His goodness and justice , and in the Hereafter , in which all true values will be restored he will never love evil or wrong - doing or rebellion against Allah, even if these things are found in his nearest kith and kin.
Islam considers all of the particles of the Universe to be the creatures of one Creator , all of the human beings in any point of the Universe and History to be the servants of One God , the children of one pair of parents , and confronted by a common enemy , the Devil and his army. Based on the innate sense of truth , justice , love and Beauty , Islam has been trying to establish , cooperating with all of the sane members of mankind , an universal society without any satanic internal and external boundaries. No man whether brown , black , red , white or yellow has any superiority over an other man because of his color , rank , or riches . Before Allah they are all one and he gets most honor who is most righteous. Islam disagrees with the limited , closed and classified societies in the form of some dispersed nations and hostile governments. It invites and exhorts the people of the world to become unified again and to constitute an universal family following the Truth. The formation of an universal family and the enforcement of the Brotherhood is the greatest social ideal of Islam. On it was based the Prophet’s Sermon at his last Pilgrimage , and Islam can not be completely realized until this ideal is achieved. Islam is the nearest way of conducting the members of the human family to the plain truth and justice and love criteria and to the permanent happiness. We have to help each other in righteousness and piety , not in perpetuating feuds of hatred and enmity. We may have to fight and put down evil , but never in a spirit of malice or hatred , but always in spirit of Justice and righteousness.
Main practices:
Five duties have traditionally been seen as obligatory for all Muslims , although many Muslims observe them only partially. These duties are the so-called five pillars of Islam :”Prayer at the prescribed times each day (salat), paying a prescribed amount out of one’s wealth as alms for the poor and some other categories(Zakat), Pilgrimage to Mecca , and the performance of certain prescribed rituals in and around Mecca(Hajj) at a specified time of the year (Dhul-Hijja), Fasting during the month of Ramazan (Sawm) and joyful and complete acceptance of the Divine Authority of the Imams , the Prophet’s Progeny (Velaiat). The last pillar is the most important one. Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (AS) confirms this fact:
بني الإسلام علي خمس : أقام الصلاة و إيتاء الزكاة وحج البيت و صوم شهر رمضان والولاية لنا أهل البيت فجعل في أربع منها رخصة و لم يجعل في الولاية رخصة . من لم يكن له مال لم يكن عليه الزكاة و من لم يكن عنده مال فليس عليه حج و من كان مريضا صلي قاعدا و افطر شهر رمضان و الولاية صحيحا كان أو مريضا أو ذا مال أو لا مال فهي لازمة (واجبة) (الخصال للصدوق )
Although the essence of Islam is acceptance of the One God and of the Prophetood of Muhammed , in practice , adherence to Islam has traditionally been manifested by living a life according to Islamic Law. The Islamic law is regarded as of divine origin. To obey the law is to obey God. Islam has been more a matter of right behavior than of concern with the niceties of belief. Islamic law concerns itself with far wider areas of public and private life than does a modern secular legal system. Economics , politics , warfare , matters of beauty , diet and dress , and many other aspects of social and private life are regulated by Islamic law. Although Islam is not a legalistic religion , to live a life according to the law has been the main religious ideal for most Muslims.
The Perspective of Islam
1. Beliefs :
Belief in Creator , Divine Justice , The Prophets , Leadership of mankind , Resurrection
2. Worship : Taharat , Salat , Qura’n , Dua , Zekr , Sawm , E’tikaf , Zakat , Khums , Hajj & ‘U mrah , Jahad , Amr belma’roof & Nahi anelmonkar , Tavalli , Tabarri .
3. Transactions :
Contracts : Tejarat , Shofeh , Ejareh , Mozarea’t , Mosaqat , Sabq and Remaieh , Sherkat , Modharebat , Vadiat , Ariat , Dein and Qarz , Rahn , Dheman , Havalat , Kefalat , Solh , Vekalat , Hebat , Nekah
Iqa’a’t : Talaq and Edad , Joalat , Eqrar , Vasiiat , Vaqf , Habs , Sokna , Umra , Roqba , Sadaqat , Zehar , Ila’a , Lean , Etq , Tadbir , Ketabat , Ayman and Nodhur , Ebra’a.
Ahkam : Masajed , Loqatah , Qasb , Ehia’a almavat , Moshtarakat , Hajr , Kaffarat , Seid & Zebahat , At’emeh , Ashrebeh , Malabes , Mirath , Qaza’a , Shahadat , Bayyenat & Ayman , Jenayat Hodud , Ta’azirat , Qesas , Diat
4. Morals :
Reason’s army : Kheir , Tasdiq , Adl , Shokr , Tavakkol , Rahmat , Fahm , Zohd , Rahbat , Taodat , Somt , Taslim , Safh , Tafakkor , Ta’attof , Movasat , Vafa’a , Khodhu’ , Hobb , Haq , Ekhlas , Fetnat , Modarat , Ketman , Sawm , Hajj , Berr olvaledain , Ma’roof , Taqiat , Tahiat , Haia’ , Rahat , Barekat , Qevam , Veqar , Tobeh , Mohafazat , Nashat , Olfat , Iman , Raja’a , Reza’a , Tama’ , Ra’ fat , Ilm , Iffat , Refq , Tavadhu’ , Helm , Estelam , Sabr , Qena’ , Hefz , Qonu’ , Mavadat , Ta’at , Salamat , Sedq , Amanat , Shahamat , Ma’refat , Salamat alqalb , Salat , Jahad , Sawn olhadith , Haqiqat , Setr , Ensaf , Nezafat , Qasd , Sohulat , Afiat , Hekmat , Sa,adat , Esteqfar , Dua , Farah , Sakhavat. Ignorance army : Sharr , Johud , Jowr , Kofran , Hers , Qadhab , Homq , Raqbat , Jor’at , Sor’at , Hazer , Shakk , Enteqam , Sahv , qati’at , Momaneat , Qadr , Tatavol , Boqz , Batel , Showb , Qabavat , Mokashefat , Efsha’ , Eftar , Nabz olmithaq , Oquq olvaledain , Monkar , Edha’at , Baqy , Khal’ , Ta’ab , Mahq , Mokatharat , Kheffat , Esrar , Tahavon , Kasel , Efteraq , Kofr , Qonut , Sakhat , Ya’s , qasavat , Jahl , Tahattok , Kherq , Takabbor , Safahat , Estekbar , Jaza’ , Faqr , Nesyan , Hers , Adavat , Ma’siat , Bala’ , Kezb , Khianat , Baladat , Enkar , Momakarat , Eza,at , Nokul , Namimat , Reia’ , Tabarroj , Hamiyat , Qazer , Odvan , Saubat , Bala’ , Hava’ , Shaqavat , Eqterar , Estenkaf , Hozn , Bokhl.
5. Etiquette :
Sleeping , Alimentation , Physical Exercises , Purification , Beauty , Sex , Hygene , Medicine , Public Relations , Housing , Sobriety , etc.

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