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The Patience of Imam Hussain (A.S.)

Witness the confidence in Hussain (A.S.) that is his heart's separation and independence from this materialistic world. This quality is very clear in him. When he left Medina and reached Karbala, he wrote to his brother Muhammad Hanifeh and the rest of his family with such content: "This is a statement from Hussain the son of Ali to Muhammad the son of Ali and the rest of Hashemite tribe who are with him. It seems that there has never been a world and hereafter has always existed."(1) Is such statement nothing but leaving any love to the world and becoming most dependent to the hereafter?
Imam Sajjad (A.S.) says: "As time was passing and the battle was getting harder for Hussain, his face got brighter and his confidence increased until some enemies told each other: 'See how fearless Hussain is for his own death'..."(2)
Witness Hussain's (A.S.) recitation of Quran and prayer. The only reason he asked from the enemy to postpone the start of battle by one day was to have an extra night of prayer and worship to Allah (SWT). In that night thirty soldiers were guided and came to Hussain (A.S.) after hearing the sound of his worship. They were eventually martyred.
Hussain (A.S.) was continuously remembering Allah (SWT) and reciting Quran from the time he faced the enemies in the battle till his head was raised on a spear; even when his mouth was dried of thirst. Hussain (A.S.) prayed to Allah (SWT) on the morning of his last day, the morning of Ashura in the following manner: "O Allah! You are my shelter in any distress and my only hope at the time of misery. You are my only protection in any tragedy. I had many catastrophes in which hopes were lost, solutions were impossible, friends had left me and enemies hurt me with their tongue. In such times I sought refuge to You and You recovered all of that…” (3)
Witness the patience of Hussain (A.S.) when he has fallen on the warm soil of Karbala; his body was tore up by injuries from enemy spears and swords; his forehead is broken; his chest is covered with arrows; an arrow has hit beneath his throat and another arrows has ripped his side; his tongue is attached to his mouth from thirst; his heart is broken from the death of his companions and his unprotected family. The sound of women and children screaming for help from one hand and the laughter of enemies over what they have done on the other. Consider all of these; Hussain (A.S.) did not complain nor cried for all the agony. He continuously said: "My Lord, I am patience on Your destiny for me and there is no worshiped except You; indeed, You are the only Shelter to those who seek refuge." (4)
That is why we read in the pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (A.S.): "The angles of sky were indeed impressed by you patience." (5)
Peace be upon Hussain, the oppressed; Peace be upon Hussain, the martyr...
(Reference: Khasa'is al-Husainieh by Ayatollah Sheikh Ja'far Shooshtari)
1- Kamel al-Ziaraat, Baab 24, Narration 16
2- Ma'ani al-Akhbar, p. 288
3- Irshad Sheikh Mufid, Vol. 2, p. 96
4- Yanabi' al-Mawadat, Vol. 3, p. 82
5- Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 98, p. 322

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