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Lowest Land of Earth Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an

By: Mahdi La'li, Tehran, Iran
Geology has recently revealed a great deal of information to us about the world we live in. We now know that the Mount Everest is the highest peak and the Dead Sea is the lowest point of land on earth, which is located between Jordan and Palestine close to Jerusalem. Fourteen hundred years ago, the Quran in chapter ‘Romans’, emphatically implied that this point is the lowest land of earth:
-The Romans have been vanquished,
-In the lowest part of the land; and after their vanquishing they shall be the victors,
-In a few years… Chapter30: verse2, 3 and 4
The story of these verses refers to the battle, which occurred in the seventh century between the empire of Persia (Iran) and the empire of Rome in a place near Jerusalem, previously referred to as the lowest point. The verse says: “The Romans have been vanquished in the lowest part of the land”. In other words, it implies that the Romans have been defeated (by Persians) in a place, which is the lowest land of earth. It also correctly prophesied the Romans’ dominance over the Persians, which actually occurred in a few years later.
To achieve a better idea about this Quranic viewpoint, we have to go over the respective geological and historical standpoints in this regard. Their conformity with the pertinent Quranic statement would certainly impel us to believe in the authenticity of Holy Quran as a miraculous revelation from God, Almighty.
In 614 AD, five years after Bi'thaat (appointment of Muhammed as the prophet), a battle occurred between Iran (Persia) and Rome (Byzantine) in a place near Jerusalem. King Khosro Parviz, the emperor of Iran invaded Jerusalem and committed genocide and took the cross ascribed to Jesus Christ with himself.
Parviz continuously dominated the Romans until he conquered the Asia Minor (now Turkey), which was the greatest part of the empire of Byzantine in that time. In 617 AD, he advanced on the city of Constantine. Heraclius tried to flee. He dispatched the government properties to Africa but they were trapped by the Persian troops in Roman Sea and were called as the “unlooked-for and easy come treasure”. The great ones of Byzantine held Heraclius, not letting him flee and made him fight with the Persians. Eventually, in 622 AD, he vanquished the troops of Parviz in the port of Isus, which was located in the south of Asia Minor and this was the beginning of Romans’ victory over the Persians…1

Scientific Viewpoint

Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth
The Dead Sea, 417 m below sea level, is the lowest point on the surface of the earth. It is at the terminus of the Jordan River, has no outlet and is very rich in minerals. As the name suggests, the sea is devoid of life due to an extremely high content of salts and minerals.
It is these natural elements, which give the waters their curative powers, recognized since the days of Herod the Great, 2,000 years ago. They also provide the raw materials for the renowned Jordanian Dead Sea Bath Salts and cosmetic products, which are marketed worldwide.
Fifty miles long and 10 miles wide, it is fed mainly by the River Jordan to the north. The intense heat causes the water to evaporate, leaving high concentrations of salts and minerals.
Surrounded by arid hills, as devoid of life as the sea itself, it glistens under a burning sun with barely a ripple disturbing its surface. The rocks that meet its lapping edges become covered with a snow-like thick gleaming deposit of white salt. This extremely high concentration of salt is what gives its waters the renowned therapeutic qualities and its buoyancy. Because the salt content is eight times that of most world's oceans, you can float in the Dead Sea without even trying. Swimming in it is a truly unique experience not to be missed 2 & 3.

Quranic Viewpoint
The Quran geologically speaks of the lowest part of the earth, where a battle took place between the Persians and the Romans. Allah, may He be Exalted and Glorified, said in the Quran:
-The Romans have been defeated, in the lowest part of the land, but after defeat they will soon be victorious. Chapter30: verse2, 3 and 4
The term "adna" in Arabic means both lowest and nearer 4. The commentators of the Quran were of the opinion that "adnal-ardh" meant the nearest land to the Arabian Peninsula. However, the first meaning is also there; that is, the lowest land. In this way, the Glorious Quran gives several meanings in one word.
Sheik Abdul Majid Zendani, a Professor of Islamic Studies in King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia says about his meeting with the professor Palmer:
“When we investigated the lowest part of the earth, we found that it was exactly the same spot that witnessed the battle in which the Romans were defeated. When we informed Professor Palmer about this, he contested that there were many other areas, which are lower than the one referred to in the Quranic verse. He gave examples and names of other areas in Europe and in the United States. We assured him that our information was verified and correct. He had with him a topographical globe that showed elevations and depressions. He said that it would be easy with that globe to ascertain, which was the lowest spot on earth. He turned the globe with his hands and focused his sign on the area near Jerusalem. To his astonishment, there was a small arrow sticking out towards that area with words: ‘the lowest part on the face of the earth.’”
The Sheik continues in his description of the precipitating events: “Professor Palmer was quick to concede that our information was correct. He proceeded to speak, as you now see him with the globe, saying that this was actually the lowest part of the earth.”
“Professor Palmer: It took place in the area of the Dead Sea which is up here and interestingly enough the labeling on the globe says "the world’s lowest point". So it certainly is supported by the interpretation of that critical word.”
Sheik Abdul Majid Zindani relates: “Professor Palmer was even more astonished when he found that the Quran talks about the past and describes how creation first began; how the earth and heavens were created; how the water gushed forth from the depth of the earth; how the mountains were anchored on land; how vegetation first began; how is earth today, describing the mountains, describes its phenomena, describes the changes on the surface of the earth as witnessed in the Arabian Peninsula. It even describes the future of the land of Arabs and the future of the whole earth. At this, Professor Palmer acknowledged that the Quran is such a wondrous Book, which describes the past, the present, and the future.”
Like many other scientists, Professor Palmer was hesitant at first. After reflection he was quick at forthcoming with his opinions. In Cairo, he presented a research paper dealing with the inimitable aspects of geological knowledge contained in the Quran. He said that he did not know what was the state of the art in the field of science during the days of the Prophet Muhammed. However, from what we know about the scanty knowledge and means at that time, we can undoubtedly conclude that the Quran is a light of divine knowledge revealed to Muhammed (peace be upon him).
Here are the concluding remarks of Professor Palmer:
“We need research into the history of early Middle Eastern oral traditions to know whether in fact such historical events have been reported. If there is no such record, it strengthens the belief that Allah transmitted through Muhammed bits of his knowledge that we have only discovered for ourselves in recent times. We look forward to a continuing dialogue on the topic of science in the Quran in the context of geology” 5.
1. Nasri Tooba (A Quranic Encyclopedia) by Allamah Sha’raani Islamiah Publishers, Teheran, 1978.
2. Dead Sea: Lowest, Saltiest Point on Earth is home to Masada, by Terry Housholder and Grace Witwer Housholder, http://www.frugalfun.com/.
3. Dead Sea, The lowest point on earth, http://www.meltingpot.fortunecity.com/.
4. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, (Arabic-English) by hans Wehr, McDonald and Evans Ltd. London /see also: Encyclopedia of Quran (Qaamousse Quran, in Persian Language), by ayatollah Ali Akbar Qurashi, Dar Alkutub Al-Islamiah, Teheran, 1999.
5. The Lowest Part on the Face of the Earth, http://www.beconvinced.com/.

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