The Status of Muslims in Britain
Today the European long lasting Islam either in respect to the number of its followers or with respect to its influence and importance in the society has been overshadowed by the new Islam which is mainly the consequence of the Laboring Migration from three big regions of the world such as Morocco, Turkey and the Subcontinent of India to the European continent. The three western European countries which have affricated these migrants are the countries such as France, Germany and England.
The Muslim migrants of England are mainly the Indian race Muslims. The entire Muslims residing in the united kingdom of Britain don’t call themselves Pakistani same as Salman Rushdi. In the British society which welcomes the meritorious migrants on one hand, is not interested in the ordinary migrants in the hand. The migrants who have the Southern Asian identify contribute to the attraction and assimilation of the migrants in the host society.
But in comparison owing to the welcoming of the financial circles towards the Saudis, the fundamentalism has been strengthened in the country.
Either inside or outside of England (specifically after September 11th ) there have drawn the attention of the public to the Muslims in an unbearable mode. Based on a polling carried-out by Guardian Institute within the Muslims there exist the intense tendency to accept the English culture successfully which particularly in the recently past few years has been very important specifically that the researchers conceived that 67% of the youths which were under investigation essentially had the English originality. 41% of them declared that they should attempt more in line with their assimilation with the English society.
Also bused on the polling of ICM Institute the Muslim community of England have intense tendency in connection with assimilating in the host society of Britain. In this research there was revealed that the Muslims are intensively under the ethnic and religious torment.
Iqbul Sacranie, secretary-general of the Council of the British Muslims welcomed the said polling and says: “The tendency of the society towards the integrity is being increased but what we have to know precisely is what does mean integrity? Assimilation doesn’t mean forgetting the individual culture and tradition and accepting the foreign culture, but integrity require cognition of English language, performance of research in the public schools, interaction with the society and developing the relationships with the followers of the other heavenly religions or with the people who don’t believe in any religion.â€
The Britain's’ Muslims also have the intensive solidarity towards the Muslims throughout the world so that the Muslims who went under question either old or young maintained that the foreign crises such as the issues of the Middle East, Kashmir and Afghanistan are more important than their internal issues.
The Muslims of the city of Lister
Lister is one of the Muslim communities of England which in comparison has more Muslims than anywhere in England so that about 35000 people among its population which are 300/000 people are the follower of the religion of Islam.
The Islamic girls schools in the communities of fields have separate atmosphere in comparison with the ordinary schools of England even they are not comparable with the private schools of England. Islam on them has provided the required spiritual and mental ground.
The culture of charity affairs
There exist more than 1000 Islamic charity centers and foundations in England which the total income of them amount to 42 million pound which it is equal to 21 pound per one Muslim in England.
A big portion of this amount is spent in abroad for contributing to the war refugees, the victims of famine or natural disasters.
The Islamic Alleviation Foundation which was established 1984 is the greatest charity institute of England with a net income amounting to 15 million pound which 5 million is collected in Britain.
This foundation also receives some financial contributions from the office of international level lament and at present the main concentration of the aforesaid foundation is the humanitarian financial contributions in the countries such as Afghanistan, Palestine, and Chechnya. After the September 11th there have been paid specific attentions to the charity foundations as the main centers of providing the credits for the terrorists' activities.
Even though there exist 14 researching files in this respect there has not been discovered any direct relationships of these foundations with the terrorist groups.
The Islamic communities of Britain since their coming into existence have received a lot of financial credits from Saudi Arabia and the other Islamic countries for instance recently there have been granted big amounts by Saudi Arabia to the charity centers of England such the recent 20 million pound of that country which was granted to the Islamic Centers of Oxford for constructing the new building and its 3 million pound contribution which was granted by King Fahd for the construction of Mosque and the Islamic Centers in Edinburgh.
Distrust existing in the publications and Mass Media
There live more than 1.8 million Muslims in England who are a little bit more than 3% of its population. After the Christians, the Muslims have the most number of the religious people in England while the Muslims have fewer shares in the official news papers and television networks. Taking into consideration of the size of their population, the image of the Muslims are introduced with the worst face through libeling and cursing them.
Complaining against the mass media with respect to the mode of presenting the image of Islam and the Muslims has been a prevalent case and a united factor which has been supported by the various Muslim sects in Britain.
Since the development and expansion of the monopolistic policies of BBC, most of the Muslims don’t use BBC anymore. The head of the cultural diversities says: “The terms such as the Islamic Terrorism is not used anymore or used less than before. Having the Muslim Journalists who conceive the important discriminations and distinguish the relationships between religion and the society is an indication of progress but such a thing has not been seen virtually or actually.â€
With respect to the challenges facing the Britain's’ Muslims, Iqbal Sacranie, Secretary General of the council of the British Muslims says:“The pandemic Islamophobia has intensively endangered the process of the integrity and assimilation of the Muslims with the other main national customs and ceremonies. The British Muslims need to feel that as the citizens they are dealt with equally and their rights and immunities are equal the same as the others.
If we suppose that most of the British Muslims are the Negro English people with the Islamic background, in that case such as the entire Negroes in the Britain their main challenge is racism. Discrimination in employment, the sanitary services, in the schools and migration is very prevalent. This issue has been customized and day by day is getting worse. The racism grows up in the lap of inequality.
The most varieties of the Muslims are seen in London the capital city of England in which there are a bout 250,000 Muslims from the countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh and almost 150000 Muslims from Turkey and the other Muslim communities from Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf Region, Somalia and Nigeria.
From the total population of London which is 7200000 people about one million people are the Muslims.
The numbers of the authorized mosques which have been registered are 584 mosques which 760/000 Muslims participate in their religious rituals which most of them belong to the Sunni school of thought. The average income of the Muslim men is 68% of the non- Muslim people, 20% Of the Pakistanis have private Job which 11% of the white people have such Jobs, 45% of the households of Bangladesh and Pakistan benefit from the financial supports. In the public sector only 4 schools of the Muslims there are active.
There are merely two Muslim deputy in the parliament of England respectively under the name of Khaled Mahmoud from the Labour Party of Birmingham and Mahmoud Sarvar from the Labour Party of the region of Glasgow as well as there are four Muslim deputies in the Lord Parliament of England who are under the name of lord Ahmad, Barount Oudin, lord Patel and Lord Ali. There is a Muslim deputy among the deputies of Euro Parliament under the name of Khanbai from the conservative party of the northern region.
The number of the Muslim millionaires (taking in to consideration their cash property and the shares) are 5400 persons. 27% of Pakistani house holds and 45% of Bengal households have their own resident house. The total population of Britain is 60/000/000 and the Muslim population is 1.8 million.
Among the main groups living in Britain the most of them are respectively from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean Islands.