(1) On reaching the Haram, one must dismount and perform a ghusl to enter it.
(2) The pilgrim must remove his shoes on entry into the Haram and hold them in his hands in humility to Allah, the High.
(3) At the time of entering the Haram, the following supplication be recited:
Çááåã Çäß ÞáÊ Ýí ßÊÇÈß ÇáãäÒá æÞæáß ÇáÍÞ :( æÇÐä Ýí ÇáäÇÓ ÈÇáÍÌ íÇÊæß ÑÌÇáÇ æÚáì ßá ÖÇãÑ íÇÊíä ãä ßá ÝÌ ÚãíÞ ) Çááåã æÇäí ÇÑÌæ Çä Çßæä ããä ÇÌÇÈ ÏÚæÊß æÞÏ ÌÆÊ ãä ÔÞÉ ÈÚíÏÉ æÝÌ ÚãíÞ ÓÇãÚÇ áäÏÇÆß æ ãÓÊÌíÈÇ áß ãØíÚÇ áÇãÑß æßá ÐÇáß ãä ÝÖáß Úáí æÇÍÓÇäß Çáí Ýáß ÇáÍãÏ Úáì ãÇ æÝÞÊäí áå ÇÈÊÛí ÈÐÇáß ÇáÒáÝÉ ÚäÏß æÇáÞÑÈÉ Çáíß æÇáãäÒáÉ áÏíß æÇáãÛÝÑÉ áÐäæÈí æÇáÊæÈÉ Úáí ãäåÇ Èãäß Çááåã á Úáì ãÍãÏ æÇá ãÍãÏ æÍÑã ÈÏäí Úáì ÇáäÇÑ æÇãäí ãä ÚÐÇÈß æÚÞÇÈß ÈÑÍãÊß íÇ ÇÑÍã ÇáÑÇÍãíä.
(Translation: O Allah, You have stated in Your Book, and Your word is true, "And proclaim among men the Hajj: they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, coming from every remote path" (Ch. 22 v.30). O Allah, it is my fervent hope that I be
among those who responded to Your call. I have come from far with difficulties and from a remote path, listening to Your call, responding to it and obeying Your command. All this became possible because of Your generosity and favour to me. I praise and thank You for granting me the grace and by this advance towards You, I seek nearness to You, a place with You, forgiveness of my sins and acceptance of my repentance, by Your grace. O Allah, bless Muhammad and his progeny and out of Your mercy forbid the fire of Hell for my body and save me from Your punishment and penalties, O most merciful of the merciful.)
(4) To chew a little of Edhkher (which is a well known herb) at the time of entry.
It is recommended for anyone wishing to enter Holy Makkah to make a ghusl before entry and enter with peace and solemnity.
For those arriving from the route of Madinah it is recommended that :they enter from the elevation and depart from there by its lower side. If the entry is by the door of Bani Shaiba, then this is the door used out of ignorance because of the vastness of the Mosque there but it is preferred to enter through the Baab-us-Salaam and proceed straight until one faces the pillars. It is recommended to stop at the door of the Mosque and say:
ÇáÓáÇã Úáíß ÇíåÇ ÇáäÈí æÑÍãÉ Çááå æÈÑßÇÊå ÈÓã Çááå æÈÇááå æãä Çááå æãÇ ÔÇÁ Çááå æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÇäÈíÇÁ Çááå æÑÓáå æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÑÓæá Çááå æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÇÈÑÇåíã Îáíá Çááå æÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä.
(Translation: Salaam to you, O Prophet and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be on you. In the name of Allah and by Allah and by His wish. Salaam be on the Prophets of Allah and His Messengers. Salaam be on the Messenger of Allah. Salaam be on Ibrahim, the friend of Allah and all praise is to Allah, the sustainer of the universes.)
Then enter the Mosque concentrating on the Holy Kaaba and raising hands towards the sky, say:
Çááåã Çäí ÇÓÇáß Ýí ãÞÇãí åÐÇ Ýí Çæá ãäÇÓßí Çä ÊÞÈá ÊæÈÊí æÇä ÊÌÇæÒ Úä ÎØíÆÊí æÊÖÚ Úäí æÒÑí . ÇáÍãÏ ááå ÇáÐí ÈáÛäí ÈíÊå ÇáÍÑÇã . Çááåã Çäí ÇÔåÏ Çä åÐÇ ÈíÊß ÇáÍÑÇã ÇáÐí ÌÚáÊå ãËÇÈÉ ááäÇÓ æÇãäÇ ãÈÇÑßÇ æåÏì ááÚÇáãíä Çááåã Çäí ÚÈÏß æÇáÈáÏ ÈáÏß æÇáÈíÊ ÈíÊß ÌÆÊ ÇØáÈ ÑÍãÊß æÇÄã ØÇÚÊß ãØíÚÇ áÇãÑß ÑÇÖíÇ ÈÞÏÑß ÇÓÇáß ãÓÇáÉ ÇáÝÞíÑ Çáíß ÇáÎÇÆÝ áÚÞæÈÊß Çááåã ÇÝÊÍ áí ÇÈæÇÈ ÑÍãÊß æÇÓÊÚãáäí ÈØÇÚÊß æãÑÖÇÊß.
(Translation: O Allah, I beseech You in this holy place and in the first of my ceremonies to accept my repentance, forgive my sins and relieve me of the load on my back. All praise to Allah who reached me to the Holy House. O Allah, I bear witness to You that this is Your Holy House which You have made a refuge for men, a blessed place and a guide for the universes. O Allah, I am Your servant, this city is Your city and this house is Your house. I have come here to seek Your mercy and achieve obedience to You, following Your command and content with Your arrangement of destiny. I ask as a beggar fearful of Your punishment. O Allah, open for me the gates of Your mercy and keep me occupied in obedience to You and seeking Your pleasure.)
According to another report, the following be recited at the door of the Mosque:
ÈÓã Çááå æÈÇááå æãä Çááå æÇáì Çááå æãÇ ÔÇÁ Çááå æÚáì Çááå æÚáì ãáÉ ÑÓæá Çááå áì Çááå Úáíå æÇáå æÎíÑ ÇáÇ ÓãÇÁ ááå æÇáÍãÏ ááå æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÑÓæá Çááå áì Çááå Úáíå æÇáå æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ãÍãÏ Èä ÚÈÏ Çááå ÇáÓáÇã Úáíß ÇíåÇ ÇáäÈí æÑÍãÉ Çááå æÈÑßÇÊå ÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÇäÈíÇÁ Çááå æÑÓáå ÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÇÈÑÇåíã Îáíá ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÇáãÑÓáíä æÇáÍãÏááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä ÇáÓáÇã ÚáíäÇ æÚáì ÚÈÇÏ Çááå
ÇáÍíä . Çááåã á Úáì ãÍãÏ æÇá ãÍãÏ æÈÇÑß Úáì ãÍãÏ æÇÑÍã ãÍãÏ æÇá ãÍãÏ ßãÇ áíÊ æÈÇÑßÊ æÊÑÍãÊ Úáì ÇÈÑÇåíã Çäß ÍãíÏ ãÌíÏ
Çááåã á Úáì ãÍãÏ æÇá ãÍãÏ ÚÈÏß æÑÓæáß æÚáì ÇÈÑÇåíã Îáíáß æÚáì ÇäÈíÇÆß æÑÓáß æÓáã Úáíåã æÓáÇã Úáì ÇáãÑÓáíä æÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä
Çááåã ÇÝÊÍ áí ÇÈæÇÈ ÑÍãÊß æÇÓÊÚãáÊí Ýí ØÇÚÊß æãÑÖÇÊß æÇÍÝÙäí ÈÍÝÙß ÇáÇíãÇä ÇÈÏÇ ãÇ ÇÈÞíÊäí Ìá ËäÇÁ æÌåß ÇáÍãÏ ááå ÇáÐí ÌÚáäí ãä æÝÏå æÒæÇ Ñå æÌÚáäí ããä íÚãÑ ãÓÇÌÏå æÇÌÚáäí ããä íäÇÌíå
Çááåã Çäí ÚÈÏß æÒÇÆÑß Ýí ÈíÊß æÚáì ßá ãÇÊí ÍÞ áãä ÇÊÇå æÒÇÑå æÇäÊ ÎíÑ ãÇÊí æÇßÑã ãÒæÑ ÝÇÓÇáß íÇÇááå íÇ ÑÍãä æÈÇäß ÇäÊ Çááå áÇÇáå ÇáÇ ÇäÊ æÍÏß áÇÔÑíß áß æÈÇäß æÇÍÏ ÇÍÏ ãÏ áã ÊáÏ æáã ÊæáÏ æáã íßä áß ßÝæÇ ÇÍÏ æÇä ãÍãÏÇ ÚÈÏß æÑÓæáß áì Çááå Úáíå æÚáì Çåá ÈíÊå íÇ ÌæÇÏ íÇ ßÑíã íÇ ãÇÌÏ íÇ ÌÈÇÑ íÇ ßÑíã ÇÓÇáß Çä ÊÌÚá ÊÍÝÊß ÇíÇí ÈÒíÇÑÊí ÇíÇß Çæá ÔíÆ ÊÚØíäí ÝßÇß ÑÞÈÊí ãä ÇáäÇÑ.
(Translation: I commence by the name of Allah, by Him, from Him, towards Him, by His wish and on the following of the Holy Messenger (s.a.a.w.). The Holy Names belong to Allah. All praise is to Allah. Salaam be on the Messenger of Allah. Salaam on Muhammad, son of Abdullah. Salaam to you, O Prophet of Allah and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be on you. Salaam on the Prophets of Allah and His Messengers. Salaam on Ibrahim, the friend of the Merciful. Salaam on the Prophets. All praise is to Allah, the sustainer of the universes. Salaam be on us and on the virtuous servants of Allah. O Allah, send Your blessings on Muhammad and his progeny, bestow on them Your benediction and have mercy on them as You blessed, sent benediction and had mercy on Ibrahim and his progeny, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and his progeny, Your servant and Messenger. O Allah, bless Ibrahim, Your friend and Your Prophets and Messengers and bestow peace on them. Salaam on the Messengers. All praise is to Allah, the sustainer of the universes. O Allah, open for me the gates of Your mercy. Keep me occupied in Your obedience and seeking Your pleasure. Protect me that I guard my faith to my last, Exalted is Your Praise. All praise to Allah who made me one of His callers and visitors, attendants in His Mosque and supplicants. O Allah, I am Your servant and visitor to Your House. There are rights of callers over the host and You are the best of the givers and the most Generous. I beseech You, O Allah, O Merciful, You are Allah, there is no God but You, You have no partner, for You are One and on whom all depend. You were not born and do not give birth and there is none like You. Verily, Muhammad is Your servant and Messenger, may Your blessings be on him and his Household. O Magnanimous, O Generous, O Glorious, O Mighty, O Generous, I beseech You that of the gifts You grant me for visiting You, the first be the protection from the fire of Hell.)
Then say thrice: Çááåã Ýß ÑÞÈÊí ãä ÇáäÇÑ .
(Translation: O Allah, protect my neck from the fire of Hell.)
Then say: æÇæÓÚ Úáí ãä ÑÒÞß ÇáÍáÇá ÇáØíÈ æÇÏÑÇ Úäí ÔÑ ÔíÇØíä ÇáÇ äÓ æÇáÌä æÔÑ ÝÓÞÉ ÇáÚÑÈ æÇáÚÌã (Translation: And increase my lawful and pure sustenance and protect me from the evil of the devils, jinn and men and the vicious of the Arabs and the non-Arabs.)
It is recommended then to face the Black Stone and say: ÇÔåÏ Çä áÇ Çáå ÇáÇ Çááå æÍÏå áÇ ÔÑíß áå æÇÔåÏ Çä ãÍãÏÇ ÚÈÏå æÑÓæáå ¡ ÂãäÊ ÈÇááå æßÝÑÊ ÈÇáØÇÛæÊ æÈÇááÇÊ æÇáÚÒì æÈÚÈÇÏÉ ÇáÔíÇØíä æÈÚÈÇÏÉ ßá äÏ íÏÚì ãä Ïæä Çááå
(Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, He is One and has no partner and that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger. I believe in Allah and disbelieve in idols, Laat, Uzza and the worship of devils and all those who call for worship other than Allah,)
Then the pilgrim should move to the Black Stone, make salutation to it and say:
ÇáÍãÏ ááå ÇáÐí åÏÇäÇ áåÐÇ æãÇ ßäÇ áäåÊÏí áæáÇ Çä åÏÇäÇ Çááå ÓÈÍÇä Çááå æÇáÍãÏ ááå æáÇ Çáå ÇáÇ Çááå æÇááå ÇßÈÑ ÇßÈÑ ãä ÎáÞå ÇßÈÑ ããä ÇÎÔì æÇÍÐÑ æáÇ Çáå ÇáÇ Çááå æÍÏå áÇ ÔÑíß áå áå Çáãáß æáå ÇáÍãÏ íÍíí æíãíÊ æíãíÊ æíÍíí ÈíÏå ÇáÎíÑ æåæ Úáì ßá ÔíÁ ÞÏíÑ
(Translation: All praise to Allah who has provided us this guidance for we would not otherwise have ,been guided. Glory to Allah, all praise is due to Him there is no God except Allah and Allah is Great. Allah is greater than His creatures. Allah is greater than whom I fear and beware. There is no God except Allah, He is One and without any partner. All land belong to Him arid all praise is due to Him. He grants life and ends it. He ends life and grants it. He is alive and never dies. All good emanates from Him and has power over all things.)
One must then send blessings on the Holy Prophet and his progeny and on all the Prophets as was done at the time of entry into the Holy Mosque. Then say: Çäí ÇÄãä ÈæÚÏß æÇÝí ÈÚåÏß .(Translation: I believe Your word and have faith in Your promise.)
It has been authentically reported by Abi Abdillah (a.s.) that when you come close to the Black Stone, raise your hands, praise Allah, send blessings on the Holy Prophet and ask Allah to accept your efforts. Then make salutation to the Black Stone and kiss it. If it is not possible to kiss it, just make salaam to it by hand and if even doing so is not possible, point at it and say:
Çááåã ÇãÇäÊí ÇÏíÊåÇ æãíËÇÞí ÊÚÇåÏÊå áÊÔåÏ áí ÈÇáãæÇÝÇÊ . Çááåã ÊÏíÞÇ ÈßÊÇÈß æÚáì ÓäÉ äÈíß ÇÔåÏ Çä áÇ Çáå ÇáÇ Çááå æÍÏå áÇ ÔÑíß áå æÇä ãÍãÏÇ ÚÈÏå æÑÓæáå ÇãäÊ ÈÇááå æßÝÑÊ ÈÇáÌÈÊ æÇáØÇÛæÊ æÈÇááÇÊ æÇáÚÒì æÚÈÇÏÉ ÇáÔíØÇä æÚÈÇÏÉ ßá äÏ íÏÚì ãä Ïæä Çááå ÊÚÇáì (Translation: O Allah, I have discharged the trust reposed with me and fulfilled my promise so that You can be witness of my fulfilment. O Allah, I have brought faith in Your Book and the practices of Your Prophet (s.a.a.w.). I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, He is One and has no partner and that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger. I have faith in Allah and disbelieve in idols, false gods Laat and Uzza and the worship of devils or all those who call for worship other than Allah.)
If it is not possible to recite the whole of the above supplication, a portion of it may be recited and then say: Çááåã Çáíß ÈÓØÊ íÏí æÝí ãÇ ÚäÏß ÚÙãÊ ÑÛÈÊí ÝÇÞÈá ÓÈÍÊí æÇÛÝÑ áí æÇÑÍãäí Çááåã Çäí ÇÚæÐÈß ãä ÇáßÝÑ æÇáÝÞÑ æãæÇÞÝ ÇáÎÒí Ýí ÇáÏäíÇ æÇáÇ ÎÑÉ
(Translation: O Allah, I have extended my hands towards You and have great expectations from You. Accept my endeavours, forgive me and shower mercy on me. O Allah, I seek refuge from infidelity, poverty and disgrace in this world and in the Hereafter.)
Muawiyah bin Ammaar bin Abi Abdillah (a.s.) reports that during tawaaf the following supplication be made:
Çááåã Çäí ÇÓÇáß ÈÇÓãß ÇáÐí íãÔì Èå Úáì Øáá ÇáãÇÁ ßãÇ íãÔì Èå Úáì ÌÏÏ ÇáÇÑÖ æÇÓÇáß ÈÇÓãß ÇáÐí íåÊÒ áå ÚÑÔß æÇÓÇáß ÈÇÓãß ÇáÐí ÊåÊÒáå ÇÞÏÇã ãáÇÆßÊß æÇÓÇáß ÈÇÓãß ÇáÐí ÏÚÇß Èå ãæÓì ãä ÌÇäÈ ÇáØæÑ ÝÇÓÊÌÈÊ áå æÇáÞíÊ Úáíå ãÍÈÉ ãäß æÇÓÇáß ÈÇÓãß ÇáÐí ÛÝÑÊ Èå áãÍãÏ áì Çááå Úáíå æÇáå ãÇ ÊÞÏã ãä ÐäÈå æãÇ ÊÇÎÑ æÇÊããÊ Úáíå äÚãÊß Çä ÈÝÚá Èí
(Translation: O Allah, I beseech You by Your name which makes possible motion in the darkness of water as it does on land. I beseech You by Your name which makes Your Arsh swing. I beseech You by Your name which puts in motion the feet of Your angels. I beseech You by Your name by which Moosa supplicated to You on the Mount Ayman and You granted his supplication and met him with love. I beseech You by Your name by which You granted forgiveness to Muhammad of his past and future sins and completed Your bounty on him, treat me with (ask for your wishes).
When you reach the door of the Holy Kaaba, send blessings on Muhammad and his holy progeny (a.s.) and say between Rukn-ul-Yamaani and the Black Stone: ( ÑÈäÇ ÇÊäÇ Ýí ÇáÏäíÇ ÍÓäÉ æÝí ÇáÇ ÎÑÉ ÍÓäÉ æÞäÇ ÚÐÇÈ ÇáäÇÑ) (Translation: O Allah, grant me goodness in this world and the Hereafter and save me from the fire of Hell.)
And say during tawaaf :
Çááåã Çäí Çáíß ÝÞíÑ æÇäí ÎÇÆÝ ãÓÊÌíÑ ÝáÇ ÊÛíÑ ÌÓãí æáÇ ÊÈÏá ÇÓãí
(Translation: I am a beggar to You, fearful and seeking Your refuge. Do not change my body or my name.)
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said that when Ali bin Hussein (a.s.) reached the Hijr before reaching the Meezaab, he would raise his head and say while looking at the Meezaab:
Çááåã ÇÏÎáäí ÇáÌäÉ ÈÑÍãÊß æÇÌÑäí ÈÑÍãÊß ãä ÇáäÇÑ æÚÇÝäí ãä ÇáÓÞã æÇæÓÚ Úáí ãä ÇáÑÒÞ ÇáÍáÇá æÇÏÑÇ Úäí ÔÑ ÝÓÞÉ ÇáÌä æÇáÇäÓ æÔÑ ÝÓÞÉ ÇáÚÑÈ æÇáÚÌã
(Translation: O Allah, place me in Heaven by Your mercy, save me, by Your mercy, from the fire, protect me from evil, increase for me lawful sustenance, and save me from the viciousness of the jinn, men, Arabs and non-Arabs.)
It has been authentically reported from Abi Abdillah (a.s.) that when you reach the back of the Holy Kaaba having passed the Hijr, say:
Çáãä æÇáØæá æÇáÌæÏ æÇáßÑã Çä Úãáí ÖÚíÝ ÝÖÇÚÝå áí æÊÞÈáå ãäí äß ÇäÊ ÇáÓãíÚ ÇáÚáíã
(Translation: O one of bounty, might, generosity and nobility, my efforts are weak, make them stronger and accept them from me, verily You are All-Hearing, All-Knowing.)
It has ben reported from Abul Hassan Ridha (a.s.) that on reaching the Rukn-ul-Yamaani, one should raise hands and say:
íÇ Çááå æáí ÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÎÇáÞ ÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÑÇÒÞ ÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÇáãäÚã ÈÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÇáãäÇä ÈÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÇáãÊÝÖá ÈÇáÚÇÝíÉ Úáí æÚáì ÌãíÚ ÎáÞß íÇ ÑÍãä ÇáÏäíÇ æÇáÇ ÎÑÉ æÑÍíãåãÇ á Úáì ãÍãÏ æÇá ãÍãÏ æÇÑÒÞäÇ ÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÏæÇã ÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÊãÇã ÇáÚÇÝíÉ æÔßÑ ÇáÚÇÝíÉ Ýí ÇáÏäíÇ æÇáÇ ÎÑÉ íÇ ÇÑÍã ÇáÑÇÍãíä
(Translation: O Allah, O controller of health and its provider, one who grants it, one who bestows it as a reward or as a grace on me and all creation, O Merciful in this world and the Hereafter, send.Your blessings on Muhammad and his progeny, grant me health, lasting and complete and thankfulness for it, in this world and in the Hereafter, by Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.)
It has been reported from Abi Abdulla (a.s.) that when the pilgrim completes the tawaaf and reaches the 'mustajaar' which is a little before the Rukn-ul-Yamaani, he must stretch his hands onto the Holy Kaaba, cling to it and say: Çááåã ÇáÈíÊ ÈíÊß æÇáÚÈÏ ÚÈÏß æåÐÇ ãßÇä ÇáÚÇÆÏ Èß ãä ÇáäÇÑ (Translation: O Allah, this house is Yours and this creature is Yours and this is the place for taking refuge to You from the fire of Hell.)
Then make confession of your sins for there is no faithful who makes confessions to his Lord in this place without Allah forgiving him, Allah willing, and say: Çááåã ãä ÞÈáß ÇáÑæÍ æÇáÝÑÌ æÇáÚÇÝíÉ Çááåã Çä Úãáí ÖÚíÝ ÝÖÇÚÝå áí æÇÛÝÑ áí ãÇ ÇØáÚÊ Úáíå ãäí æÎÝí Úáì ÎáÞß
(Translation: O Allah, comfort, success and health come from You. O Allah, my efforts are weak and so grant them strength and forgive me the sins which are so apparent to You but concealed from Your creatures.)
Then seek refuge of Allah from the fire of Hell and engross yourself in supplication. Then make salutation to the Rukn-ul-Yamaami as is stated in another report from him (a.s.). Then kiss the Rukn-ul-Yamaani and the corner in which the Black Stone is placed and say:
Çááåã ÞäÚäí ÈãÇ ÑÒÞÊäí æÈÇÑß áí Ýí ãÇ ÇÊíÊäí
(Translation: O Allah , grant me contentment in the sustenance. You have provided me and bestow Your blessing on it.)
It is recommended to make a salutation to each corner of the Holy Kaaba in each tawaaf and when making salaam to the Black Stone to say: ÇãÇäÊí ÇÏíÊåÇ æãíËÇÞí ÊÚÇåÏÊå áÊÔåÏ áí ÈÇáæÇÝÇÉ (Translation: I have discharged the trust reposed with me and fulfilled my promise so that You can be the witness of my fulfilment.)
It is recommended that in the prayers (salaat) after the Tawaf, after the recitation of the Chapter on Fatiha, in the first rakaat be recited the Chapter on Tawheed and in the second rakaat the Chapter on Kafiroon .On completion of the prayers , one must praise Allah, send blessing on Muhammad and his progeny (a.s) and pray for the acceptance of his efforts. It has been reported from Sadiq (a.s) that he would say in sajdah after the prayers as follows:
ÓÌÏ æÌåí áß ÊÚÈÏÇ æÑÞÇ áÇ Çáå ÇáÇ ÇäÊ ÍÞÇÍÞÇ ÇáÇæá ÞÈá ßá ÔíÆ
ÇáÇ ÎÑ ÈÚÏ ßá ÔíÆ æ åÇ ÇäÇ ÐÇ Èíä íÏíß äÇíÊí ÈíÏß æÇÛÝÑ áí Ç äå áÇ íÛÝÑ ÇáÐäÈ ÇáÚÙíã ÛíÑß ÝÇÛÝÑáí ÝÇäí ãÞÑ ÈÐäæÈí Úáì äÝÓí æáÇ íÏÝÚ ÇáÐäÈ ÇáÚÙíã ÛíÑß
(Translation: I prostrate before You in Your worship and service. It is the truth that there is no God except You. You were there before anything and will be there after everything perishes. I am before You and my forelock is in Your hands. Forgive my sins for there is none to forgive major sins except You. Forgive me as I confess my sins against myself and none can avert major sins except You.)
It is recommended to drink the water from Zamzam before departing to Safaa and say: Çááåã ÇÌÚáå ÚáãÇ äÇÝÚÇ æÑÒÞÇ æÇÓÚÇ æÔÝÇÁ ãä ßá ÏÇÁ æÓÞã
Translation: O Allah, grant me useful knowledge, abundant sustenance and avert from me all sickness and evil).
If possible, on completing the prayers after tawaaf, one should draw a bucket or two of water from Zamzam, drink a little and pour a little on the head, back and body and recite the supplication just above stated. Then one must proceed to the Black Stone and from there to Safaa.