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Miracle of the Holy Qur’an

By: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
“Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur’an, or are their hearts locked up by them?” (Qur’an, Chapter-47; verse 24).
The Qur’an is a miracle given by God to the Holy Prophet of Islam. It is miracle, both of the style and of the deep knowledge and pure truth which is being unfolded every day.
The difference between all other miracles and the Qur’an is that the former were only for those who witnessed them. For us, they are news which may be believed or suspected according to the trend of mind. But the Qur’an is in our hands, a book complete in itself; it claims that it is revealed, and brings the proof within itself.
Arabs in the time of the Prophet were proud of their language. The Qur’an silenced them with its sublime literature, challenging them to bring ‘like’ of even one ‘Sura’ (chapter). The Arabs, who called other nations ‘Alam’ (dumb), became dumb themselves when the Qur’an put its challenge before them. They resorted to sword; they waged war after war; they inflicted sufferings and suffered themselves. Had it been within their power to bring a chapter like the Qur’an, all this trouble would have been unnecessary. No sane man will choose a difficult way in preference to the easier one. It was the highest quality of the Qur’anic language which baffled them and is still baffling its antagonists. History records that many people tried to meet the challenge of the Qur’an but had to admit that it is right when it says that nobody can bring its ‘like’. Also, on the side of knowledge and truth, its miracles are not exhausted yet. There are many examples that a verse remained a puzzle for the commentators until the advert of scientific discoveries which made its meaning clear.
To give a tangible example: In the sura ‘Al-Mumin’, it says: “And Pharaoh said, ‘O Haman! Build for me a tower that I may reach the avenues, the avenues of the heavens, and may mount to God Moses …….” (Qur’an, 40:36).
As it is, there was no mention of Haman in the previous books. People used to wonder who was that Haman! They may be forgiven, because nobody knew before recent discoveries that ‘Amon’ was the name of the great Egyptian deity, the ‘King of gods’, patron of the most powerful Pharaohs, and pre-eminently the national god. Its high-priest also was called ‘Amon’ and was responsible for all the religious buildings and temples. What could have been more natural for Pharaoh, when intending to build a tower to see God of Moses, than to ask the Amon’s priest, himself known as ‘Amon’, to arrange it?
These scientific miracles of today are sufficient to make a man believe that this book is a book of God, containing the eternal truth.

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