Views of the Great Muslim Philosophers on Child-Training and Upbringing

By: Muhammad Attaran

The Factors of Upbringing
Generally speaking, upbringing is the basic foundation of human behavior provided that the factors of upbringing are in tune with the design of basic human nature, without an in depth knowledge of which, it is rather naive to expect optimal results. According to Muslim scholars the main factors that are instrumental in the molding of human character include genetics, food habits and nutrition, family environment, schooling and influence of teachers and association.

The Definition of Genetics
According to scholars, genetics is a science that studies the similarities and differences between parents and their children and the factors that contribute to the same. (Genetics, p.1)
For centuries, thinkers and philosophers have been investing thought and effort into finding out as to what extent genetics play a role in the molding of the character of a child. However, so far they have not reached any unanimous categorical conclusion to this intriguing question. It is ironical that despite tremendous progress in the field of genetics, this basic question remains unanswered satisfactorily.
Some psychiatrists like Eizank believe that two-thirds of human character is genetically inherited. (The Journal of The College of Educational Sciences, Vol. 8, p.3,4)
On the other hand, behaviorists like Watson don't credit genetics with having any significant role in shaping human identity.
The Importance of Genetics from the Viewpoint of Contemporary Scholars
Some psychiatrists have been so pre-occupied with the importance of genetics that they credit it as being the basic cause of the good and bad fortunes of individuals. For example, Wiggam says, "Genetics is the greatest and most important factor in the formulating and molding of an individual's character. So much so that the failure and success of an individual is a function of genetics. The existing differences between individuals are the result of the differences in genes they inherit from their parents."
Another scholar Nittigs believes that the mental aptitude of an individual depends upon his inherited genes, more than on any other factor. It could be said that the basic foundation of the differences among individuals is nothing but a play of genetics. (The Psychology of Growth, pp. 57-58)
Even if genetics don't play the most vital role in shaping the destiny of an individual, its role in determining the character of an individual shouldn't be underestimated. Genetic researches conducted on animals as well as humans have shown that some of the auto-nervous responses are hereditary. Similarities between siblings and the closeness of character traits between twins too prove the effects and importance of genetics.

Islamic Views on Genetics
Islamic scholars too, have deeply studied and discussed the effects and importance of genetics. In his book "Akhlaq-e Naseri", Khaja Naseer ad Din Tusi has collected and evaluated all the different views on the role of genetics in human life. He is himself of the opinion that genetics play an important role in determining the character and behavioral patterns of an individual. (Akhlaq-e Naseri, pp. 101-102)
Another great Muslim scholar who has spoken about the importance of the effects of genetics is Sa'adi. He is of the opinion that every individual inherits his levels of intelligence, aptitudes and talents as well as positive and negative behavioral traits from his ancestors. Therefore, according to Sa'adi, the effects of upbringing are limited and can show results in proportion with the maturity and the readiness of an individual's innate nature (fetrah) to accept or welcome transformation. On the other hand, individuals in whom the innate nature is not yet ready, such individuals are not open to transformation, and even resent it.

The Views of Ghazzali on Genetics
Ghazzali too, has extensively discussed genetics in his works and by referring to and quoting some Islamic traditions, he has concluded that genetics play an important role in determining the personality of an individual. He, however, adds that these genetically effects can be minimized and ever neutralized by proper training. He believes that a child's nature is adaptable to transformation and since human nature is based on "goodness", every human being is potentially ready to seek and reach perfection.