Questions on the Day of Resurrection

By: Ayatullah Shaheed Sayyid Abdul Husain Dastghaib
It is mentioned at many places in the Holy Quran that the Messengers and the communities will be asked: Fa La Nas… (Surah Aaraaf: 6) meaning: Then We surely will ask those communities to whom messengers were sent about everything and also ask the Prophets.
The messengers and Prophets will be asked: We had sent you to invite people towards Us. Did you convey the message to them? They will submit: Our Lord! You are witness that we left no stone unturned in this matter. A voice will be heard 'Who is your witness?' All will reply: O Our Lord! Our witness is the last prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).
Wa Ka…Shaheda. (Surah Baqarah 2:143) meaning: Similarly, We made you a just community so that you may stand as witness before other communities and Muhammad may be your witness.
Similarly, Prophet Isa (Maseeh) will be asked: Did you tell people to worship you and your mother? Hazrat Isa (a.s.) will tremble and say: My Lord! Had I said so, You must have known it at once. What I said was only that I am a servant of God. So worship only my Lord and your Lord.
Wa Iz… (Surah Maaidah: 116)
Translation: And when (on the Day of Qiyamat) God will ask Isa: O son of Maryam! Did you tell the people: Leave aside God and make me and my mother your God…?
Communities will also be questioned: Did your messenger not inform you about the events of today? All will reply: Balaa, Yaa Rabbe. (Yes, O Lord, they did)!

There Will Be Questioning About Bounties Tomorrow On The Day Of Judgement
On the Day of the Grand Gathering (Mahshar) one of the questions will also be about bounties granted to us by the Lord of the Universe as to what was our attitude regarding the same.
Summa…Naeem. (Surah Takaasur 102:8). Meaning: Then you will certainly be questioned about the bounties. Did you thank God for the bounties or you lived and behaved ungratefully?
There different narrations regarding unthankfulness. The combined summary is that there are several standards of bounties, the most important and the highest rank is that of the bounty of wilayat of Aale Muhammad, rather it is the only absolute bounty.
Imam (a.s.) said to Qatadah: What do you Sunnis say about the Holy verse: Summa Latus Alunn…? He replied: There will be questioning about these food articles like bread and water etc. The Imam (a.s.) said: God is far higher than the questioner of such querries. Will you ever invite a guest and, after serving him good food, ask him about what he ate? Qatadah asked: Then what is meant by Naeem? The Hazrat replied: It is the bounty in the form of we, the Aale Muhammad (a.s.)'s love.

How Was Your Behaviour With The Bounty Of Wilayat?
It will asked on the Day: How did you deal with Aale Muhammad? To what extent you loved them? How much did you obey them? Enemies of Ahle Bayt will be asked: Why did you have enmity towards this great bounty? Nothing will be asked about food and water, except extravagance made in it or about gaining it from prohibited sources and about spending it in Haraam ways. Likewise it will be asked: Why did you commit such and such prohibited deed?

Everyone Will Be Questioned About Four Things
Specific questions will be asked regarding some bounties. One of them is man's lifespan. It is mentioned in narrations that angels will not allow people to go further in the field of Mahshar until they reply four querries:
1. How did he spend life and in which deeds was he engaged during his youth.
2. Where from and how he or she earned money and where and how spent it?
3. There will be questioning about the Wilayat of Aale Muhammad (a.s.) and the Divine Law will be enforced very strictly in this matter.
4. Where one spent wealth? If it was given to poor for making a show of generosity, it will draw punishment.

There Will Be Questioning About Worships
Waquiffohum…Mas Ooloon (Surah Saaffaat: 24) Meaning: Just stop them. They have to be questioned.
The first question in Mahshar will be about Namaz prayer. Awwalu…Sivaahaa. (Behaar-ul-Anwaar vol.3)
Were the compulsory (obligatory) prayers offered in their fixed times or not? Since this Namaz (Salaat) is the biggest pillar of religion and the greatest trust of God, was it offered properly? Then there will be asking about all other worships and prayers.