Qiyamat from viewpoint of logic

By: Ayatullah Shaheed Sayyid Abdul Husain Dastghaib
Suppose we had no naqali (divinely conveyed statements) and had there been no arrival of all the Prophets and messengers who have informed us that a day will certainly come for taking account of human deeds and who told people that: You will have to, on one day, answer for all of your words and deeds, reason and logic itself is a very big proof and testimony indicating that this revolving of skies and the iniatiation of the creation of every being and everything is not without any aim or intention. Every wise and intelligent man, whenever he looks all around him, he observes that day and night come one after another and man eats and drinks and sleeps and goes in privacy and fulfils all of his desires; that a child grows up and turns into a youth and then an old man and then dies. Is all this huge and vast unending movements and happenings which all of us always observe with our own eyes aimed only at these movements and is it limited only upto here. Has it no aim or object? If it is so then it only means that man has been created just for creating dirt. This is merely a false and aim aimless business. There were animals to fulfil such deeds like eating and drinking and sleeping and gratifying passions. There was no need at all for the creation of man.

Deniers Of Hereafter Do Not understand God’s Wisdom
Those who do not believe in Aakherat (Qiyamat) of Hereafter, in fact, do not believe in the wisdom and intelligence of God Almighty. (May He forgive). This denial only means that all of this vast and huge universe has been created without any aim or object. “A Fa Hasibtum… (Surah Muminoon: 23, V: 115).
But to think so is the fault and error of their thinking. Whenever and wherever we look at anything we find that it has thousands of wisdoms (proper aims) and that man can hardly comprehend even a few of them. Even the most trifling and ordinary atom too is not without and wisdom behind its creation. Then what to talk about bigger and higher things!

Nail As A Support
This hair and nail too are not aimless. For example, take the case of nail. One of the wisdoms behind its creation is that, despite it's being a short and apparently insignificant part of human body, it serves as a support for fingers. Whenever man wants to pick up any thing, it is only this nail, due to which the finger can bear the pressure falling on it. Otherwise it was not possible to bear such crushing weight for the fleshy fingers. That is why; if nails are drawn out from its base it will be difficult to lift certain things. What would then have happened had there been no nails at all?
Moreover, these nails help us in scratching things or our bodies. Again, dirty and excessive matters within the body also go out through these nails. That is why it has been ordered that nails must be cut at least once in a weak (specially on Friday).

Exit Of Excessive Matter Through Hair
Not a single hair of our body too is without wisdom or aim or strategy. Imam Sadiq (a.s) tells Mafazzal bin Amr: Some ignorant people say it would have been better were hair not to grow on certain body parts. They do not know that those are the parts where excess and dirty (impure or unclean) body matter concentrates. Was that dirt not to be driven out through hair human body would become ill and sick. (For further detail please refer to Tawheed Mufazzail). That is why we have been commanded to remove this hair as soon as possible (within two weeks at the most).
If man ponders deeply he will realize that all the elements of the world of creation are full of wisdom and strategy.

Medicine Made From Cow Dung Beetle Proved Effective For Eye Trouble
It is said that the famous doctor Jaaleenoos (Galenus) once looked at the dirty insect cow dung beetle and expressed his opinion saying “I do not see any wisdom in the creation of this thing. Why, after all, had God created it? After some time he developed severe pain in his eyes. Despite using all medicines in his expert knowledge no remedy worked on that trouble. Other doctors also tried by in vain. At last their came an old woman and said: sI have a pill. It is very effective for the illness of eyes. When Hakim Jaalinoos used it he became alights. He asked how the pill was prepared. She said it was a paste with the cow dung beetle as one of its ingredients.