The Holy Qur’an for the good of this world and the hereafter

By: Ayatullah Shaheed Syed Abdul Husayn Dastaghaib Shirazi
Interpretation of dreams is a science, which does not reach one without divine inspiration and grace and it is beyond common people. Almighty God had granted this knowledge to Ibn Sirrin. He gave amazing explanations conforming to facts. Once a man came to him and said: Last night I saw a dream, which has made me restless and helpless. What is its explanation? In my dream I saw that I possessed both this world and the Hereafter but then I lost both. What a loss! What does it mean or show? Ibn Sirrin thought over it for a while. Then said, "Did you not have a Qur’an which you have lost now?"
That man replied, "Why? It is so. I had a Qur’an but for the last few days it is missing." Ibn Sirrin said, "This is what you saw in your dream. There is both this world and the Hereafter in the Holy Qur’an. If you want a pure life it is in Qur’an. If you desire a life of peace, security and comfort, it is in Qur’an. If you want to be at ease in your Hereafter right from the time of your death till eternity it is Qur’an. You lost the Qur’an and hence lost both this world and Hereafter." Then that man asked, "What should I do now?" Ibn Sirrin replied, "Just sit down. God is, after all Almighty." Before long there came another person who also had seen a dream but quite opposite. He said, "In my dream I saw that both the world and the Hereafter have been granted to me." Ibn Sirrin said, "The copy of the Holy Qur’an which you have found belongs to this man. Please give it to him."

Qur’anic Commands and worldly comforts
What I wanted to convey by relating the above dream was that you should have connection with Qur’an. If you do so, both your world and Hereafter are fine. If you give up Qur’an, it means loss of both the lives, before and after death. The commands of Qur’an, which I have conveyed to you during the last few days about the calamities caused by the tongue are important also for your present worldly life besides the Hereafter. O Muslims! If you act according to the Holy verse:
﴿ Åöäú ÌóÇÁóßõãú ÝóÇÓöÞñ ÈöäóÈóÅò ÝóÊóÈóíøóäõæÇ
"If an evildoer comes to you with a report, look carefully into it,"
And do not instantly believe any word which you hear and if you do not react recklessly at once and if you do not believe that word until you have made inquiries, then how much useful is it for the present world! How many troubles can be averted by following this divine instruction. Do not have adverse opinion about anyone. It is better for yourself. A man who thinks and imagines badly about others leads a life of misery. He even doubts his own wife. Can thereafter he live a peaceful life with that woman? He also thinks adversely about his children, his friends too. Bad opinion about others is a calamity, which destroys man’s whole life.
Faultfinding is also prohibited in Islam. It is also harmful for your world. Mischief making and spreading scandalous news is harmful to yourself.