The Scheme of Zionists:The End Justifies the Means?
For centuries pious Jews looked for the coming of the Messiah to deliver them from their ghettos and restore them to the promised land. In Western Europe they came closer to their dream when Napoleon forced Jewish equality wherever his armies were successful in capturing foreign lands.
In 1881, some Russian Jews declared that they had to create their own independent land. Students immigrated to Palestine and formed agricultural settlements. They were having difficulties holding their ground, so Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) came to their rescue providing aid and agricultural experts. In addition, he purchased land in Galilee and Samara.
This purchase accounted for most of the Jewish presence in Palestine.
In 1830-80 a horde of Jewish immigrants, mostly from Germany, fled to the United States. Then, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) published his book Der Judenstaat "The Jewish State". Political Zionism became an official reality when Herzl convened the First Zionist Congress.
Herzl met with the German Kaiser, King of Italy, Britain's Foreign Minister and the Czarist Russia's Minister of Police, and made an offer: Whoever would back him would have the Zionists as their agents in the Middle East.
The zealous Russian Zionist Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) immigrated to England in 1904 and eventually met with Arthur Balfour. World War I brought about a promise to the Arabs, who had been dominated by the Turks for some 400 years, that if they participated they would be helped to gain independence for all Arab countries. However, behind the curtain, Britain would maintain control of Iraq and Transjordan while France would have control over Syria and Lebanon.
In 1916, however, when the war started to look bad for the British, Weizmann offered the support of the Jews of the world if the British would agree to make Palestine "the national home for the Jewish people."
No matter what the political weather, most Orthodox Jews saw Zionism as a blasphemy against their religion. To them, Zionism was and remains merely another pseudo-Messianic movement, because according to them, the return to the "homeland" was to be determined by God alone, not by men, and especially not by the British Foreign Minister.
What did the British government expect to gain by backing the Zionists in Palestine? They knew they could not rule their scattered territories with guns alone, so they made a plan to use local support. Imitating the Roman idea of 'divide and conquer' , they stirred up the Hindus against the Muslims in India, the Turks against the Greeks in Cyprus, the Malays against the Chinese in Malaya, and in Ireland, the Protestants against the Catholics.
In 1922, the League of Nations retained the Balfour Declaration and authorized the British Mandate of Palestine. Using this opportunity, the Zionists determined that Palestine was to be "the national home for the Jewish people".
When Hitler came to power, the population of Jews in Palestine drastically increased. The chaos in Germany, at that time, caused those Jews who could, to flee, becoming known as the "Displaced Persons". The Zionists capitalized on this situation, made every attempt to get the "DP's" to come to Palestine to achieve a Jewish majority, and to raise the needed funds to keep themselves in place.
On June 21, 1933, the Zionist Federation of Germany sent a memo to the Nazis, which resulted in a document called the "Transfer Agreement". This allowed Jews immigrating to Palestine to be exempt from paying the full "flight tax" on their wealth. In return, the World Zionist Organization broke the worldwide Jewish boycott on Nazi goods and even went as far as to find customers for Hitler in the Middle East.
With such tactics it became obvious that the World Zionist Organization did not want all German Jews. Those who were either too old or were not Zionists or did not have the skills needed in Palestine were neglected. Only two kinds of Jews were considered valuable: the rich Jews and young skilled Zionists.
Then, in 1948, the Jewish militant groups continued their acts of intimidation and violence to remove as many Arabs as possible from the area designated for the Jews and gain even more territory than the 56% allotted to them by the UN. Menachem Begin's Irgun Zvai Leumi "National Military Organization" chose the little Arab village west of Jerusalem, "Deir Yasin", as an example and on April 9, 1948, the terrorists, including some women, moved in and literally butchered 254 old men, women, and children.
There were still large numbers of Palestinians within the borders of "Israel", so Moshe Dayan created an exodus of 30,000 Palestinians by crashing into Lydda (Lod) and Ramlah with tanks and shooting up the towns. At Acre, north of Haifa, about 45,000 Palestinians were driven out. As a direct result, the refugee camps near Nablus and Jericho became packed with human beings.
The new "State of Israel" elected the Zionist David Ben-Gurion as their Prime Minister. In an operation known as the "Magic Carpet" thousands of Yemenite Jews were flown to Israel.
In 1950, the Israel Knesset passed the "Law of Return", which gave every Jew the right to come to Israel as a permanent resident. Not everyone was so willing, though, and Khedouri Sassoon, Chief Rabbi of the Jewish community in Iraq declared, "Iraqi Jews will be forever against Zionism.
Jews and Arabs have enjoyed the same rights and privileges for 1000 years and do not think of themselves as a distinctive separate part of this nation". However, when the influx of "new residents" into Israel was not moving fast enough, Ben-Gurion switched to compelling tactics using intimidation and bombs against his own kind.
As the Zionists were making the area a bed of hot coals, in 1967 the US Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered the Technical Research Ship USS Liberty, at Abidjan Ivory Coast, to move on to the eastern Mediterranean. Here, it was to make a patrol 13 miles off the Gaza Strip. This maneuver began on the day Israel planned its invasion of Syria.
The invasion of Syria was postponed a day while Israeli jets and boats fired rockets, napalm, and torpedoes at the Liberty. Thereafter, the Israeli government apologized and claimed that the Liberty had been mistaken for an Egyptian ship. The next day Israel began its invasion of Syria.
The plots of the Zionists continued, year after year, and 27 years after they tried to create the necessary conditions by making an alliance with Major Sa'ad Haddad, a so-called Christian who formed his "Free Lebanon Militia, in 1982 the dream of Ben-Gurion and Dayan started to come true. The Zionists also offered support to Bashir Gemayel, the leader of the Phalangists. The US media filled the airways with the claim that Lebanese Christians were in support of the Israelis and that the Israelis were protecting the Christians from the Muslims.
At that time, Ariel Sharon was the Israeli Defense Minister who, to this very day, has a history of brutality attributed to his fame. He had definite evidence about the Sabra and Shatila massacres in Beirut, carried out by Haddad and Gemayel. From the seven-story UN building near the camps, Israelis had an unobstructed view. They even sent up flares at night to guarantee that the killing would continue.
And, so it continues up to the present day; even more horrifying and treacherous.
When the Jews were lead out of Egypt hundreds of years ago, a wise messenger of God proclaimed the ultimate attitude toward human rights, thus:
"When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not be cruel to him. The stranger who lives with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt." (Lev. 19:33-34).
Jocobo Timerman, an Argentinian Jew who has lived in Israel since 1979, states: "What is it that has turned us into such efficient criminals? I fear that in our collective subconscious, we may not be wholly repelled by the possibility of (our committing) Palestinian genocide. I don't think we can be cured without the help of others". (p. 167, The Longest War – Israel in Lebanon, Vintage books, December 1982).
The Methods of the Means
"Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheist; and nearest among them in love to the Believers will you find those who say "We are Christians"; because among them are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant..." (Holy Qur'an 5:82)
According to Henry Klein, a New York Jewish Lawyer, in a text called Zionism Rules the World, 1948, he states that "the United Nations is Zionism". It is the Super Government that the Zionists have pushed, and pulled, and crushed, and annihilated in an attempt to create it.
The years have shown that almost every great world event shows traces of the fingerprints of the Zionists in it, such as; wars, revolutions, the rise in the cost of living, and chronic unrest leading them to their ultimate goal of world conquest using the backdoor.
The Zionists look at the world as something that will not perish, or in any event, consider themselves indestructible. In addition, they most definitely view themselves distinctly separate from the rest of the human race.
It must be noted that they consider that freedom is only an idea and not a fact. In their estimation, this thing called "freedom" must be used as bait to attract the masses of the people to a certain political party for the purpose of crushing the one, which is, at present, in authority.
When this has been accomplished, they consider it enough to hand over a people to self-government for a certain length of time, because eventually the people will be turned into a disorganized mob. The mob is blind, senseless and an unreasoning force, ever at the mercy of a suggestion.
Thereafter, the state will exhaust itself in its own convulsions, and be forever lost.
The Zionists have carefully and skillfully used another source to control the thinking of the masses, especially directed toward the non-Zionists, and that is the Press.
The Press is used to make people think that they must have some things that are supposedly indispensable, to give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and to create discontent and it is in the Zionists estimation that the non-Zionists have been incompetent in using this force. Therefore, it is, now, in their hands, and use it they do.
The Zionists see their power in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of their will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against them. Hunger creates the situation that capital rules the worker.
After creating these situations, the Zionists know that the people will start condemning the upright and acquitting the guilty. Thanks to this state of things the masses destroy every kind of stability and create disorder at every step.
The word "freedom" brings out the community of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority, even against God and the laws of nature. Then, the Zionists crave to determine what faith is, to tear out of the minds of the non-Zionists the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs.
In order to give the non-Zionists no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in pursuit of gain and in the race for it, will not take note of their common enemy.
The Zionists have, and are, intensifying the struggle for superiority and the shocks delivered to economic life will create, and have already created, disenchanted, cold and ruthless communities. Such communities will foster a strong aversion towards the higher political and towards religion. Their only guide is gain, meaning Gold, which they will erect into a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights, which it can give. Then, the hour will strike that the non-Zionists will, out of pure hatred for the privileged, fight against the intellectuals.
What form of administrative rule can be given to communities in which corruption has penetrated; communities where riches are attained only by the clever surprise tactics of semi-swindling tricks? What can be expected of communities where looseness reigns; where morality is maintained by penal measures and harsh laws, but not by voluntarily accepted principles; where the feeling towards faith and country are obliterated by worldly convictions? The answer is only despotism.
The Zionists intend to use the word "freedom" to give political force to those engaged in industry, and that will help to oppress the people. Their main aim is to debase the public mind; to lead it away from serious reflections calculated to arouse resistance, and to distract the forces of the mind towards a fake fight of empty eloquence.
However, there is nothing more dangerous to them as personal initiative. So being, the Zionists sow discord in all parties, dislocate all collective forces which are not willing to submit to them, and create such an atmosphere of failing that anyone who wants to approach an idea with initiative, will hang their head down in despair.
The Zionists, also, consider that landholders pose a danger to their interests, so, they see that they must deprive them of their land at every cost. Thus, these measures will check land-holdings and keep it in a state of humble and unconditional submission. This very idea is being carried out in Palestine, today, as it was so brutally done to the American Indians of years past.
In creating discords and hostilities all over the world, the Zionists believe they gain a double advantage. In the first place they keep in check all countries. In the second place, their intrigues will tangle up all the threads that they have stretched into the cabinets of all States by means of politics, by economic treaties, and loan obligations.
To sum up their system of keeping the governments of the non-Zionists in check, they will show their strength to one country by terrorist activities, and to all of them, by allowing a short lived uprising against themselves countering it with a response using the guns of America.
As the Zionists consider themselves, in all glory, to be "the Chosen People", in the middle of all their terrorist activities and annihilation of other human beings, they speak of God.
In response to their self-righteous thinking, we answer them with their own history:
"And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel: Worship none but God; treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practice regular charity. Then did you turn back, except a few among you, and you backslide (even now)." (Holy Qur'an 2:83)
"There came to you Moses with clear (Signs); yet you worshipped the Calf (even) after that, and you did behave wrongfully". (Holy Qur'an 2:92)
They are moving to confirm the roots of King David as a model to set up their own king; King of the Jews. This "King" must not be at the mercy of his passions, and especially of sensuality; under no circumstances should he bend to brute instincts over his mind. Only those who are unconditionally capable of firm, even cruel, direct rule will receive the reins of power from the Elders.
"After this it is you, the same people, who slay among yourselves, and banish a party of you from their homes; assist (their enemies) against them, in guilt and rancour; and if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, though it was not lawful for you to banish them. Then, it is only a part of the Book that you believe in, and do you reject the rest? But what is the reward for those among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life? And on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty.
For God is not unmindful of what you do."
(Holy Qur'an 2:85)
"These are the people who buy the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter: their penalty shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped." (Holy Qur'an 2:86)